Page 399 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 399

26      Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

                log (trade)  = a + b1 * log(distance) + b2 * D (Border) + b3 * D (COVID)  + e ij,t
                                            Log (Pairwise inter-state trade)

                                                (1)                    (2)                (3)
                   Log (distance)            -1.436***             -1.407***           -1.402***

                                              (0.014)                (0.016)            (0.021)

                     D(Border)               0.333***               0.352***           0.361***
                                              (0.026)                (0.029)            (0.038)

                     D(COVID)                                      -0.360***           -0.389***
                                                                     (0.014)            (0.019)

                       Period           Jan 2019-Mar 2020        Nov 2019-Nov       Dec 2019- Jun
                                                                      2020               2020

                    Observations              13020                  12090               7440

                     R-Squared                 0.929                 0.916               0.908
                 D(COVID)=1 for March-August 2020 ***p<0.01

                 D(Border): Dummy variable which takes the value 1 if the pair of States shares borders

                The V-shaped recovery in revenue collections was quite quick in states (Figure B6) such
                as Telangana and Andhra Pradesh with value of E-way bills per person reaching previous
                year levels in June. On the other hand, states like Haryana and Gujarat witnessed recovery a
                month later in July while Maharashtra, a key COVID-19 hotspot and the biggest contributor
                to India’s GDP witnessed a recovery August onwards.

                                Figure B6: State-wise Value of Goods Traded Per Person

                 Source: Data from GSTN curated from public platform Indiapulse@ISB
   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401   402   403   404