Page 398 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 398
State of the Economy 2020-21: A Macro View 25
E-way bills generated have regained stronger momentum in December with a double- digit
growth of 12.3 per cent and 17.5 per cent respectively in December 2020.
Figure B5: All India- Value of Goods Traded Per Person
Source: Data from GSTN curated from public platform Indiapulse@ISB
Persistent improvement in E-way bills generated bodes well for faster economic recovery. A
regression analysis using pair-wise state trade data estimates that inter-state trade had a 36-
39 per cent fall on average during the lockdown and fully recovered in September 2020. The
analysis shows that inter-state borders had some effect on trade, but not very large. Interstate
borders might have been an impediment during the initial phase of lockdown but not in the
later period.