Page 582 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 582

Sustainable Development and Climate Change  209

                   Missions              Major objective/Target                   Progress

              3.  National  Mission  Improved  ecosystem  services  by  A sum of ` 343.08 crore has been released
                for  a  Green  India  Increasing forest/tree cover by 5 m ha  to 13 states during the period 2015-16 to
                (GIM)             and  improving  quality  of  forest  cover  2019-20  for  undertaking  afforestation
                                  on another 5 m ha (a total of 10 m ha).  activities over an area of 1.42 lakh ha.

              4. National Mission   •  Development  of  sustainable  habitat  •  The  mission  is  being  implemented
                on Sustainable      standards.                         through  three  programmes:  Atal
                Habitat (NMSH)    •  Promoting  energy  efficiency  as  a   Mission  on  Rejuvenation  and  Urban
                                    core  component  of  urban  planning   Transformation,   Swachh   Bharat
                                    by  extending  the  existing  Energy   Mission, and Smart Cities Mission.
                                    Conservation   Building    Code  •  Under the ECBC, 335 demonstration
                                    (ECBC).                            buildings  have  been  supported  with
                                  •  Strengthening  the  enforcement  of   technical  assistance  for  compliance
                                    automotive fuel economy standards,   in  the  states/UTs.  Cumulative  built-
                                    and                                up area of 0.16 billion m ensures an
                                  •  Using pricing measures to encourage   approximate  energy  saving  of  0.17
                                    the  purchase  of  efficient  vehicles   BU.
                                    and incentives for the use of public   •  Under  the  Smart  Cities  Mission,
                                    transportation.                    1987  projects  have  already  been
                                                                       completed so far, while 4375 projects
                                                                       are  under  completion.  Smart  Cities
                                                                       Mission requires cities to have at least
                                                                       10 per cent energy coming from solar
                                                                       and at least 80 per cent buildings to be
                                                                       energy efficient and green.
                                                                     •  Urban Transport  Modal  Shift: As  on

                                                                       June, 2020, 700 km of metro rail was
                                                                       operational  in  18  major  cities  and  a
                                                                       Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network of
                                                                       about  450  km  was  operational  in  11
                                                                       cities  across  the  country  carrying  10
                                                                       million passengers daily.
                                                                     •  Smart  Cities  Mission:  As  on  June
                                                                       2020, the value of tendered smart city
                                                                       projects  was  over  `  1,66,000  crores,
                                                                       including  `  1,25,000  crores  of  work
                                                                       orders issued and ` 27,000 crores of
                                                                       completed projects.
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