Page 581 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 581

208     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 1

             below 2005 levels by the year 2030; achieve 40 per cent of cumulative electric power installed
             capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030; and enhance forest and tree cover to create
             additional carbon sink equivalent to 2.5 to 3 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2030. The other
             goals pertain to adoption of sustainable lifestyles based on traditional values of conservation
             and moderation, adaptation to climate change, clean economic development and environment-
             friendly technology, etc.

             Prominent Government initiatives on mitigation & adaptation
             actions and their progress

             6.12  India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) was launched in 2008. It
             has through 8 National Missions focussed on advancing the country’s climate change related
             objectives  of  adaptation,  mitigation  and  preparedness  on  climate  risks.  The  Government
             has  decided  to  revise  the  NAPCC  in  line  with  the  NDC  submitted  by  India  under  the
             Paris Agreement to make it more comprehensive in terms of the priority areas. The major
             developments under the NAPCC are captured in Table 1 below.

                                       Table 1: National Missions under NAPCC

                   Missions              Major objective/Target                   Progress

              1. National Solar   Achieve  100  GW  of  solar  power  in  The  cumulative  capacity  of  36.9  GW
                Mission (NSM)     seven years starting from 2014-15.  was commissioned till November 2020.
                                                                     Around 36 GW solar energy capacity is
                                                                     under installation, and an additional 19
                                                                     GW capacity has been tendered.

              2. National         •  To achieve growth with ecological  •  The  Perform  Achieve  and  Trade
                Mission for         sustainability.                    (PAT) Scheme is one of the initiatives
                Enhanced Energy  •  Mandating  reduction  in  energy   under the NMEEE, and was initiated
                Efficiency          consumption  in  large  energy-    in March 2012.
                (NMEEE)             consuming industries,            •  PAT Cycle I (2012-2015) has over-

                                  •  Financing for PPP to reduce energy   achieved  the  target,  saving  around
                                    consumption through demand-side    31 million tonnes of CO2 (Mt CO2).
                                    management programs in the mu- •  PAT Cycle II (2016-17 to 2018-19)-
                                    nicipal, buildings, and agricultural   emission reduction of 61.34 MtCO2
                                    sectors,                           was achieved.

                                  •  Energy  incentives,  including  re- •  PAT  Cycle  III  (2017-18  to  2019-
                                    duced taxes on energy-efficient ap-  20)  concluded  on  31  March  2020,
                                    pliances.                          results of this cycle are awaited.
                                                                     •  Currently  PAT  Cycle  IV  is  under
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