Page 576 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 576
Prices and Inflation 203
S. No. Name of Commission/ Year Chairman/ Recommendations
Committee /Report Organization
– c. Fertilizer, whether
inorganic, organic or
3. Priority two (2) – de-con-
trolled commodities,
Controls may be placed
only in case of war,
for safe operations of
defence forces, extraor-
dinary instance related
to national security or
in times of disaster and
inordinate price rises or
inordinate supply defi-
a. Foodstuffs
b. Seeds of agricultural
11 Economic Survey 2019-20 2020 – The Act is anachronistic
Volume 1 as it was passed in 1955
in an India worried about
famines and shortages; it is
irrelevant in today’s India
and must be jettisoned.
12 Essential Commodities 2020 – The supply of such food-
(Amendment) Act, 2020 stuffs, including cereals,
pulses, potato, onions, edi-
ble oilseeds and oils, as the
Central Government may,
by notification in the Offi-
cial Gazette, specify, may
be regulated only under
extraordinary circumstanc-
es which may include war,
famine, extraordinary price
rise and natural calamity of
grave nature.