Page 575 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 575
202 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
S. No. Name of Commission/ Year Chairman/ Recommendations
Committee /Report Organization
8 Economic Survey 2016-17 2017 – The stock limits imposed
Volume 2 under ECA, 1955 end up
curtailing demand for farm
produce and so prices. The
ideal situation relates to doing
away with the stock holding
limits along with the ECA,
1955 as envisaged in the
‘Removal of Licensing re-
quirements, Stock limits and
Movement Restrictions on
Specified Foodstuffs Order,
2016,’ according to which all
restrictions on permit/li-
censing requirements, stock
limits and movement restric-
tions were to be removed.
9 Standing Committee on Ag- 2019 Shri. Hukmdev Under Essential Commodi-
riculture (Seventeenth Lok Narayan Yadav ties Act, there is a need to
Sabha, 2018-19): Agricul- have distinction between
tural Marketing and Role of genuine service provid-
Weekly Gramin Haats ers and black marketeers/
hoarders to encourage in-
vestment and better service
delivery to the farmers.
Sponsors and Direct Mar-
keting licensees may be
exempted from the stock
limits up to six months of
their requirement in the in-
terest of trade and facilitat-
ing long-term investment.
High Powered Committee of 2019 NITI Aayog 1. Classify commodities
10 Chief Ministers, headed by into two priority catego-
Chief Minister, Maharashtra ries
2. Priority one (1) – Con-
trolled commodities
a. Drugs – essential for
chronic diseases, rare
illness and for disas-
ter management
b. Petroleum and
Petroleum prod-
ucts – high import
dependence, impacts
all trade and urgent
necessity for human-
itarian logistics