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200     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

                                                                                      APPENDIX - 2

                      ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2020

              S. No.    Name of Commission/          Year        Chairman/         Recommendations
                         Committee /Report                      Organization
                1    Expert Committee  on Mar- 2001            Shri. Shankerlal  The Essential Commodities
                     keting Infrastructure  and                Guru            Act,  1955  needs  to  be
                     Agricultural    Marketing                                 repealed for an uninhibited
                     Reforms                                                   free market system
                2    Task Force on Employment  2001            Shri. Montek    Essential   Commodities
                     Opportunities                             Singh           Act  should  be  repealed
                                                               Ahluwalia       to  extend  the  benefit  of
                                                                               de-control to agriculture
                3    Standing   Committee    of Committee’s                    Progressive dismantling of
                     Union Ministers and  Chief  Meeting held                  controls under the Essential
                     Ministers on Food Manage- on 6th July,                    Commodities Act
                     ment and Agricultural      2001
                4    Standing   Committee    of Committee’s                    While  taking  note  of the
                     Union Ministers and  Chief  Meeting held                  Government of India deci-
                     Ministers on Food Man- on 23rd March,                     sion to remove restrictions
                     agement  and Agricultural   2002                          on storage, movement, and
                     Exports                                                   distribution of wheat, pad-
                                                                               dy, rice, coarse grains, sug-
                                                                               ar, edible oilseeds and edi-
                                                                               ble oils, recommended that
                                                                               similar restrictions relating
                                                                               to  pulses also need  to  be
                                                                               removed and that the States
                                                                               would also carry out fur-
                                                                               ther review to reduce vari-
                                                                               ous Control Orders issued
                                                                               by the States in respect of
                                                                               other commodities.
                5    National  Commission  on  2005            Prof.     M.S. It  would be  better  if  the
                     Farmers: Third Report                     Swaminathan     ECA, 1955, was put under
                                                                               suspended animation  for
                                                                               the present and revived by
                                                                               Government    notification
                                                                               if any emergency situation
                                                                               develops, for a limited time
                                                                               for a specific commodity in
                                                                               a specified area.
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