Page 574 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 574

Prices and Inflation  201

              S. No.    Name of Commission/          Year        Chairman/         Recommendations
                         Committee /Report                      Organization
                                                                               After  watching  for a  few
                                                                               years  and  being  satisfied
                                                                               that under the changed en-
                                                                               vironment it is possible to
                                                                               tackle even emergency sit-
                                                                               uations with market opera-
                                                                               tions, it may be possible to
                                                                               scrap the Act all together.
                6    National  Commission  on  2006            Prof. M.S.      The Essential  Commod-
                     Farmers: Fourth Report                    Swaminathan     ities  Act and other legal
                                                                               instruments  including  the
                                                                               State  Agriculture  Produce
                                                                               Marketing Committee Acts
                                                                               [APMC  Acts]  relating  to
                                                                               marketing, storage and pro-
                                                                               cessing of agriculture  pro-
                                                                               duce need to be reviewed in
                                                                               order to meet the require-
                                                                               ments  of modern  agricul-
                                                                               ture  and  attracting  private
                                                                               capital in this sector.
                7    Committee  of State  Minis- 2013          Shri.           Under Essential Commod-
                     ters, In-charge of  Agricul-              Harshvardhan    ities Act, there is a need to
                     ture  Marketing  to  Promote              Patil           have distinction between
                     Reforms                                                   genuine service providers
                                                                               and black marketeers/hoard-
                                                                               ers to encourage investment
                                                                               and better service delivery
                                                                               to the farmers. There should
                                                                               be a stable and long term
                                                                               National Policy on storage
                                                                               and movement of agricul-
                                                                               tural produce to achieve the
                                                                               objective of Unified Nation-
                                                                               al Market. It is recommend-
                                                                               ed that Contract Farming
                                                                               Sponsors and Direct Mar-
                                                                               keting licensees may be ex-
                                                                               empted from the stock limits
                                                                               up to six months of their re-
                                                                               quirement in the interest of
                                                                               trade and facilitating long
                                                                               term investment.
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