Page 659 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 659
286 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
Apart from the Government, the RBI also constituted an Expert Committee on Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (2019) which also recommended using the annual turnover as the criteria instead
of investment. The Committee debated the merits of an employment-based definition and recognized
that while this was an additional feature preferred in some countries, this definition would pose
challenges in implementation.
On the basis of the latest observations of the DRPSC and consultations with stakeholders, the criteria
were changed and the notification dated 26 June, 2020 was issued thereof.
Box 5: CHAMPIONS online platform for MSME
• In a major initiative, on 9 May, 2020, the GoI launched CHAMPIONS online platform to
help and handhold the MSMEs. ‘CHAMPIONS’ stands for Creation and Harmonious
Application of Modern Processes for Increasing the Output and National Strength. It is an ICT
based technology system aimed at making the smaller units big by solving their grievances,
encouraging, supporting, helping and handholding them throughout the business lifecycle. The
platform facilitates a single window solution for all the needs of the MSMEs.
• It is a technology backed control room-cum-management information system. In addition
to ICT tools including telephone, internet and video conference, the system is enabled by
Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Machine Learning. It is also fully integrated on real
time basis with GoI’s main grievances portal CPGRAMS and MSME Ministry’s other web
based mechanisms.
• As part of the system, a network of 70 control rooms have been created in a Hub & Spoke
Model. The Hub is situated in New Delhi in Secretary MSME’s office. The spokes are in the
States in various offices and institutions of the Ministry.
• The GoI has also onboarded public sector banks to provide extended support for finance
facilitation/ resolving through CHAMPIONS platform.
Textile and Apparels
8.32 The textile and apparel industry plays an important role in the overall social and economic
development of the country. The textile and apparel industry contributed 2 per cent in the overall
GDP and 11 per cent of total manufacturing GVA in FY20 and provided total direct and indirect
employment of about 10.5 crore people. The sector is the second-largest employment generator
in the country, next only to agriculture. Most important with a major part of this workforce being
women, it plays a vital role in women empowerment and in the overall social development
of the country. The GoI is implementing several schemes cutting across sectors such as the
Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS), Scheme for Integrated textiles park
(SITP) and a scheme called Samarth. ATUFS, is a revised version of TUFS and has the objective
to modernize and upgrade the technology of the Indian textile industry. SITP is for providing
world class infrastructure facilities. Of the 56 textile parks which were sanctioned under SITP,
23 have been completed so far. Samarth focusses on capacity building in the textile sector. In
addition, other schemes specific to silk, jute, wool, handloom and handicraft sectors are also
being implemented.