Page 913 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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A  168    |    Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2

                                           Table 9.8. Socio- Economic Profiles and                                                                       Inter-State Comparison of Selected Major States of  India
             Socio-economic  Indicators/Items   Andhra   Assam   Bihar   Chhat-  Gujarat  Hary-  Him-  Jammu                        Jharkhand  Karna-  Kerala  Madhya   Mahar-  Odisha  Punjab  Rajast-  Tamil   Uttar   Uttara-  West   All
                                                Pradesh                  tisgarh        ana    achal   & Kash-                                taka         Pradesh  ashtra                han    Nadu   Pradesh  khand  Bengal  India
                                                                                              Pradesh  mir
                             (1)                    (2)     (3)      (4)    (5)    (6)    (7)     (8)     (9)                           (10)    (11)   (12)    (13)   (14)   (15)   (16)    (17)   (18)    (19)   (20)   (21)   (22)
             Unemployment Rate 2018-19
             (15 Years & above) @
             Rural (%)                              4.5     6.3      9.8    1.8    3.2    9.6     4.8     4.0                            4.3    2.7    8.4     2.3     4.2     6     7.7    4.6     6.4    4.3    7.1    3.3      5
             Urban (%)                              7.3    10.7     10.4    5.4   14.4    8.7     8.8    10.1                            8.7    5.1    9.7     7.3     6.3   12.7     7     9.5     6.7    10.3  13.4    4.9     7.6
             Total (%)                              5.3     6.7      9.8    2.4    3.2    9.3     5.1     5.1                            5.2    3.6    9.0     3.5     5.0     7     7.4    5.7     6.6    5.7    8.9    3.8     5.8
             Health related *
             Maternal Mortality Ratio (2016-18)     65      215     149     159     75     91     NA     NA                              71      92     43     173     46    150     129    164     60     197     99     98    113
             Maternal Mortality Ratio (2015-17)     74      229     165     141     87     98     NA      72                             76      97     42     188     55    168     122    186     63     216     89     94    122
             Male Under-Five Mortality Rates (2018)  34     44       34      46     32     36     22      23                             30      26     11      58     21     44     23      40     18      46     34     26     36
             Female Under-Five Mortality Rates (2018)  32   51       39      45     29     36     25      23                             39      30      9      53     23     43     22      41     17      48     32     26     37
             Total Under-Five Mortality Rates (2018)  33    47       37      45     31     36     23      23                             34      28     10      56     22     44     23      40     17      47     33     26     36
             Male Under-Five Mortality Rates (2017)  35     45       39      49     33     32     24      25                             30      28     12      56     21     46     23      41     19      43     38     25     36
             Female Under-Five Mortality Rates (2017)  34   51       43      44     33     38     27      24                             38      28     11      54     22     48     25      45     19      48     32     27     39
             Total Under-Five Mortality Rates (2017)  35    48       41      47     33     35     25      24                             34      28     12      55     21     47     24      43     19      46     35     26     37
             Education related $
             Primary Drop-out Rate 2016-17         1.90    5.60     9.53   3.25   0.98    NR     0.84   14.15                          15.71   1.39    0.08    4.51   0.70   4.24   2.83    6.99   0.46   11.15  5.58    8.05   6.35
             Upper Primary Drop-out Rate 2016-17   0.89    2.51    13.20   6.18   6.51    NR     0.88   10.18                          19.61   3.76    NR      7.65   1.24   5.05   2.89    4.34   1.34    3.87  3.06    8.95   5.67
             Secondary Drop-out Rate 2016-17        NA    27.60    39.73   24.23  24.08  12.16   7.03   24.35                          36.64    NA    12.77   23.76  11.28  28.87   8.60   15.19  10.03   12.71  9.09   26.93  19.89
             Primary to Upper Primary Transition Rate 2016-17  97.2  93.3  76.1  94.3  97.7  99.5  98.6  87.3                           76.3   96.8   100.0    89.6   99.2   90.6   95.7    91.6   98.6    77.9  93.0    91.0   88.6
             Elementary to Secondary Transition Rate 2016-17  97.8  94.5  73.7  86.8  84.3  97.8  97.7   86.1                           69.4   93.1   100.0    84.1   98.5   91.3   94.3    93.7   96.8    94.2  93.5    91.0   90.3
             Secondary to Higher Secondary Transition    NA  54.4   25.7   59.4   60.0    76.4   84.0    71.9                           46.9    NA     75.9    60.3   83.5   45.7   85.7    72.3   83.3    75.3  78.0    71.4   66.4
             Rate 2016-17
            *  :  Office of Registrar General of India(RGI).
            **  :  NITI Aayog, Figures in parenthesis are Ranks
            ***:  NITI Aayog (Planning Commission),
            $  :  School Education in India, U-DISE Flash Statistics 2016-17 (Provisional)
            #  :  CSO, GSDP at constant prices and per capita income is at current prices ( Base Year 2011-12)
            ##  :  National Statistical Office (NSO), Monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) is based on mixed modified recall period,
            @  :  Periodic Labour Force Survey, 2018-19 (NSO); WPR (Worker Participation Rate) and Unemployment Rate are based on Usual
                Principal & Subsidiary Status (UPSS).
            NA :  not available, NR: not reported due to negative value and comparison issues
            Transition Rate: The number of new entrants admitted to the first grade of the next stage of school education in a given year, expressed
            as a percentage of number of pupils enrolled in the final grade of the current stage of school education in the previous year.
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