Page 908 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 908

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  163

                                          Table 9.6. Population of India (1951-2011)
                                                                                                 (in thousands)
             States /UTs                   1951      1961       1971      1981      1991      2001      2011
                         (1)                 (2)       (3)       (4)       (5)       (6)        (7)       (8)
             Andhra Pradesh               31115      35983     43503     53551     66508     76210      84581
             Arunachal Pradesh  a            na       337       468        632       865      1098      1384
             Assam  b                      8029      10837     14625     18041     22414     26656      31206
             Bihar                        29085      34841     42126     52303     64531     82999     104099
             Chhattisgarh                  7457      9154      11637     14010     17615     20834      25545
             Gujarat                      16263      20633     26697     34086     41310     50671      60440
             Haryana                       5674      7591      10036     12922     16464     21145      25351
             Himachal Pradesh              2386      2812       3460      4281      5171      6078      6865
             Jammu & Kashmir    c          3254      3561       4617      5987      7837     10144      12541
             Jharkhand                     9697      11606     14227     17612     21844     26946      32988
             Karnataka                    19402      23587     29299     37136     44977     52851      61095
             Kerala                       13549      16904     21347     25454     29099     31841      33406
             Madhya Pradesh               18615      23218     30017     38169     48566     60348      72627
             Maharashtra                  32003      39554     50412     62783     78937     96879     112374
             Manipur  d                     578       780       1073      1421      1837      2294      2856
             Meghalaya                      606       769       1012      1336      1775      2319      2967
             Mizoram                        196       266       332        494       690       889      1097
             Nagaland                       213       369       516        775      1210      1990      1979
             Odisha                       14646      17549     21945     26370     31660     36805      41974
             Punjab                        9161      11135     13551     16789     20282     24359      27743
             Rajasthan                    15971      20156     25766     34262     44006     56507      68548
             Sikkim                         138       162       210        316       406       541       611
             Tamil Nadu                   30119      33687     41199     48408     55859     62406      72147
             Tripura                        639      1142       1556      2053      2757      3199      3674
             Uttar Pradesh                60274      70144     83849    105137    132062     166198    199812
             Uttarakhand                   2946      3611       4493      5726      7051      8489      10086
             West Bengal                  26300      34926     44312     54581     68078     80176      91276
             A & N Islands                   31        64       115        189       281       356       381
             Chandigarh                      24       120       257        452       642       901      1055
             D & N Haveli                    42        58        74        104       138       220       344
             Daman & Diu                     49        37        63        79        102       158       243
             Delhi                         1744      2659       4066      6220      9421     13851      16788
             Goa                            547       590       795       1008      1170      1348      1459
             Lakshadweep                     21        24        32        40         52        61        64
             Puducherry                     317       369       472        604       808       974      1248
             All India  d                 361088    439235    548160    683329    846421    1028737   1210855
            Source : Office of the Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
            a  :  Census conducted for the first time in 1961.
            b :  The 1981 Census could not be held in Assam. Total population for 1981 has been worked out by interpolation.
            c  :  The 1991 Census could not be held in Jammu & Kashmir. Total population for 1991 has been worked out by interpolation.
            d :  India and Manipur figures include estimated population for those of the three sub-divisions viz. Mao Maram, Paomata and Purul Senapati district
               of Manipur as census results of 2001 in these three sub-divisions were cancelled due to technical and administrative reasons.
            na:  not available
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