Page 906 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 906

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  161

                                       Table 9.4. State-Wise Literacy Rates (1951-2011)
                                                                                                     (per cent)
             States/UTs                    1951      1961      1971      1981       1991      2001      2011
                        (1)                 (2)       (3)        (4)       (5)       (6)       (7)       (8)
             Andhra Pradesh                  na      21.2       24.6      35.7      44.1      60.5      67.0
             Arunachal Pradesh               na       7.1       11.3      25.6      41.6      54.3      65.4
             Assam                         18.5      33.0       33.9       na       52.9      63.3      72.2
             Bihar                         13.5      22.0       23.2      32.3      37.5      47.0      61.8
             Chhattisgarh                   9.4      18.1       24.1      32.6      42.9      64.7      70.3
             Gujarat                       21.8      31.5       37.0      44.9      61.3      69.1      78.0
             Haryana                         na        na       25.7      37.1      55.9      67.9      75.6
             Himachal Pradesh                na        na        na        na       63.9      76.5      82.8
             Jammu & Kashmir                 na      13.0       21.7      30.6       na       55.5      67.2
             Jharkhand                     12.9      21.1       23.9      35.0      41.4      53.6      66.4
             Karnataka                       na      29.8       36.8      46.2      56.0      66.6      75.4
             Kerala                        47.2      55.1       69.8      78.9      89.8      90.9      94.0
             Madhya Pradesh                13.2      21.4       27.3      38.6      44.7      63.7      69.3
             Maharashtra                   27.9      35.1       45.8      57.2      64.9      76.9      82.3
             Manipur a                     12.6      36.0       38.5      49.7      59.9      70.5      76.9
             Meghalaya                       na      26.9       29.5      42.1      49.1      62.6      74.4
             Mizoram                       31.1      44.0       53.8      59.9      82.3      88.8      91.3
             Nagaland                      10.5      22.0       33.8      50.3      61.7      66.6      79.6
             Odisha                        15.8      21.7       26.2      33.6      49.1      63.1      72.9
             Punjab                          na        na       34.1      43.4      58.5      69.7      75.8
             Rajasthan                      8.5      18.1       22.6      30.1      38.6      60.4      66.1
             Sikkim                          na        na       17.7      34.1      56.9      68.8      81.4
             Tamil Nadu                      na      36.4       45.4      54.4      62.7      73.5      80.1
             Tripura                         na      20.2       31.0      50.1      60.4      73.2      87.2
             Uttar Pradesh                 12.0      20.9       24.0      32.7      40.7      56.3      67.7
             Uttarakhand                   18.9      18.1       33.3      46.1      57.8      71.6      78.8
             West Bengal                   24.6      34.5       38.9      48.7      57.7      68.6      76.3
             A & N Islands                 30.3      40.1       51.2      63.2      73.0      81.3      86.6
             Chandigarh                      na        na       70.4      74.8      77.8      81.9      86.0
             D & N Haveli                    na        na       18.1      32.9      40.7      57.6      76.2
             Daman & Diu                     na        na        na        na       71.2      78.2      87.1
             Delhi                           na      62.0       65.1      71.9      75.3      81.7      86.2
             Goa                           23.5      35.4       52.0      65.7      75.5      82.0      88.7
             Lakshadweep                   15.2      27.2       51.8      68.4      81.8      86.7      91.8
             Puducherry                      na      43.7       53.4      65.1      74.7      81.2      85.8
             All India a                   18.3      28.3       34.5      43.6      52.2      64.8      73.0
            Source: Office of the Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
            a:  India and Manipur figures exclude those of the three sub-divisions viz. Mao Maram, Paomata and Purul of Senapati district of
               Manipur as census results of 2001 in these three sub-divisions were cancelled due to technical and administrative reasons.
            na: not available
            1.  Literacy rates for 1951, 1961 and 1971 Censuses relate to population aged five years and above and from 1981 onwards Literacy
               rates relate to the population aged seven years and above. The literacy rate for 1951 in case of West Bengal relates to total
               population including 0-4 age group. Literacy rate for 1951 in respect of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Manipur are based on
               sample population.
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