0.1 Selected Indicators: 1950-51 to 2000-2001
National Income and Production
Gross National Product and Net National Product
1.2 Annual
Growth Rate of Gross National and Net National Product
1.3 Gross
Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin (At 1993-94 Prices)
1.4 Gross
Domestic Savings and Gross Domestic Capital Formation (At Current Prices)
1.5 Gross
Domestic Savings and Gross Domestic Capital Formation (As per cent of GDP at Current
Market Prices)
1.6 Annual
Growth Rates of Real Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin (At
1993-94 Prices)
1.7 Net
State Domestic Product at Current Prices (New Series)
Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices (New Series)
Index Numbers of Agricultural Production
1.10 Index
Numbers of Area under Principal Crops
1.11 Index
Numbers of Yield of Principal Crops
1.12 Production
of Major Crops
1.13 Gross Area
Under Major Crops
1.14 Yield per
Hectare of Major Crops
1.15 Three
largest producing States of important crops during 1999-2000
1.16 Irrigated
Area Under Different Crops
1.17 Net
Availability of Cereals and Pulses
1.18 Net
Availability, Procurement and Public Distribution of Foodgrains
1.19 Per Capita
Availability of Certain Important Articles of Consumption
1.20 Production,
Imports and Consumption of Fertilizers
1.21 Production
of Major LiveStock Products and Fish
1.22 Production
of Coal and Liqnite
1.23 Production
of Fabrics
1.24 Progress of
Electricity Supply (Utilities & Non-Utilities)
(A) : Installed Plant Capacity
(B) : Energy
1.25 Pattern of
Electricity Consumption (Utilities)
1.26 Operations
of Indian Railways
Revenue-Earning Goods Traffic on Indian Railways
(A) : Traffic Originating
(B) : Goods
1.28 Operations
of Road Transport
1.29 Growth of
Civil Aviation
1.30 Commodity
Balance of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
1.31 Production
of Selected Industries
1.32 Index of
Industrial Production