Page 183 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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166 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 1
private stakeholders in mixed
systems of health and social
care. Third, governance in
complex health and social
sectors requires the engagement
of professionals.
England National standards for The 2008 Health and Following the 2012 Health
the delivery of care Social Care Act sets the and Social Care Act,
services were first framework for regulations the NHS in England has
introduced following by securing that any service undergone considerable
the 2000 NHS Plan, provided in the carrying change, with reform
with the regulatory out of a regulated activity implementation continuing.
framework supporting is of appropriate quality. In addition to regulators
implementation The stipulations for this are professional statutory bodies
undergoing reform defined further as a set of also have an important role in
since. 16 essential standards of England. it is conceivable that
quality and safety’ in service the roles and responsibilities
provision which are to be of the respective organizations
implemented by providers in in England is expected to
health and social care (and change as new structures and
currently regulated by the governance arrangements are
Care Quality Commission); being implemented. Currently,
the 16 standards concern care they use a mix of enforcement
and welfare of service users; and punishment to ensure
assessing and monitoring the compliance.
quality of service provision;
safeguarding service users
from abuse; cleanliness
and infection control;
management of medicines;
meeting nutritional needs;
safety and suitability of
premises; safety, Availability
and suitability of equipment;
respecting and involving
service users; consent to care
and treatment; complaints;
records; and requirements
relating to workers. The
essential standards are due
to be updated, alongside the
inspection and assessment
approach, for April 2014.