Page 184 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 184

Healthcare takes centre stage, finally!  167

              Finland     The Finnish Constitution  It  sets out  patients’ right  Health  system governance  is
                          sets out the requirement  to information,  informed  shared by the center  and the
                          that  government  must  consent to treatment,  the  municipalities. Standards of care
                          provide  adequate  care  right to see any relevant  are practically embedded within
                          for all, providing the  medical documents, the right  the Finnish constitution,  which
                          legal  foundation for  to complain and the right to  provides the legal foundation for
                          national regulation such  autonomy.  Further  national  national regulation. The Finnish
                          as the 1992 Act on the  legislation defines the quality  regulatory  system  can  be
                          Status and Rights of  and standards of healthcare.  characterized by a system of self-
                          Patients.              There are national standards  regulation and voluntarism, with
                                                 for  selected  specific  service  some aspects of meta-regulation
                                                 categories,  such as elderly  such as mandated continuous
                                                 care.                      improvement;  external  clinical
                                                                            audit;   mandated     incident
                                                                            reporting  system;  consumer
                                                                            complaints   through  valvira
                                                                            as main  national  regulatory
                                                                            body,   the  Regional   State
                                                                            Administration,   and     the
              Germany     The Social Code Book  Stipulations  set  out  in  the  Regulation  of healthcare  in
                          sets   the   regulatory Social Code Book are further  Germany’s federal  system  is
                          framework for major  defined by the Federal Joint  shared between  the  federal
                          actors,   their  roles Committee  (G-BA),  which  and state governments and
                          and    obligations  in issues binding directives on  corporatist actors.  A 2010
                          the   statutory  health treatments, quality assurance  hospital quality report included
                          insurance (SHI) system.  and minimum standards of  quality  data  from almost  1,800
                          Thus,    quality  and care, which are implemented  hospitals  and showed that,
                          effectiveness  measures  by SHI funds, hospitals and  compared  to  2009, 65 quality
                          of   services   within associations  of physicians.  indicators  had  improved.
                          the SHI system have  Areas of regulation  are:  However,  for the  majority  of
                          to  comply with  the  quality        management; quality indicators (n = 236),
                          current level of medical  external quality assurance;  there was no change, while
                          knowledge  and  take  cross-sectoral      quality deterioration  was  observed for
                          account  of required  assurance;        regulation 8 indicators. Evaluations of the
                          technical      quality. on quality  of  structures,  activities  of regulatory  bodies
                          Service  providers must  processes and outcomes;  remain limited.  The G-BA,
                          safeguard and develop  regulation on assessment and  dominated by corporatist actors,
                          the quality of services  monitoring  of services  by  was  delegated a high degree
                          they provide.          SHI-accredited physicians.  of  decision-making   power
                                                                            concerning  the  definition  of
                                                                            the health basket and is non-
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