Page 186 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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Healthcare takes centre stage, finally!  169

              USA         The  2010 Affordable  The     National    Quality Regulatory activity in the USA
                          Care  Act  required  the  Strategy is a developing  is for the most part decentralized
                          Department  of Health  strategy guided by DHHS as  with multiple local governmental
                          and Human Services  an attempt to set national aims  and  private  sector  agencies
                          (DHHS) to  develop  a  and priorities in healthcare  involved in assuring quality.
                          National  Strategy for  quality     improvement. Each state licenses healthcare
                          the Improvement of  The  strategy  has three  facilities  within its territory.
                          Heath Care (National  aims: better care, healthy  US    General   Accountability
                          Quality  strategy). The  people  and  communities,  Office (GAO) often reviews the
                          Nursing Home Reform  and  affordable  care.  The  actions  and  activities  of CMS
                          act  (OBRA’87) deals  OBRA’87   deals  with  and other  healthcare  agencies
                          with   nursing   home nursing home  regulation;  it  in government.  The GAO  has
                          regulation.            defines regulatory standards  published criticism of the limited
                                                 for nursing homes at the  use of regulatory  powers with
                                                 federal  level,  supplemented  regard to nursing homes.   The
                                                 by individual state laws.  National Quality Strategy is an
                                                                            attempt to unify and streamline
                                                                            the efforts of diverse federal
                                                                            agencies involved in healthcare,
                                                                            with input from private  sector

             INFOrMatION asyMMetry IN INdIa’s PrIvate INsUraNCe

                               Box 1: empirical strategy to identify information
                                        asymmetry in insurance markets

               the empirical literature on testing for information asymmetry in insurance markets can be
               traced back to the seminal articles of Chiappori and Salanie´ (2000, 2003). Rooted in Chiappori
               and Salanie´ (2000, 2003), these studies propose a variety of reduced-form correlational tests to
               statistically  demonstrate  the  existence  of  asymmetric  information.  The  basic  idea  is  to  compare
               claims  rates  consumers,  who have  identical  observed  characteristics,  but  have  self-selected  into
               different insurance policies (Puelz and Snow 1994, Cawley and Philipson 1999, Cardon and Hendel
               2001, Finkelstein and Poterba 2004, 2006, Cohen 2005, and Finkelstein  and McGarry 2006). A
               positive correlation between insurance coverage and claims – after controlling for all observable
               characteristics so that the two individuals being compared as identical on observable characteristics
               – provides evidence of asymmetric information. This could result either because of adverse selection
               (with greater-risk taking individuals self-selecting into the more expensive, high feature contract) or
               moral hazard (because individuals behave differently under the two contracts).

             5.32  To examine  asymmetric  information  in  the  Indian  insurance  market,  the  empirical
             analysis is conducted using insurer-specific yearly time-series data secured from IRDA. The
             unit of analysis is an insurer of a specific insurer type (i.e., private, public sector or standalone)
             underwriting a specific insurance-type (government-sponsored, group insurance or individual/
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