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Innovation: Trending Up but needs thrust, especially from the Private Sector  243

             8.5  Figure 4 shows India’s performance on the GII 2020 (rank) across the seven pillars. India
             performed best on the knowledge & technology outputs (KTO) pillar (rank 27) followed by
             Market  Sophistication  pillar  (rank  31).  India  performed  lowest  on  the  Infrastructure  pillar
             (rank 75).

                   Figure 4: India’s performance on pillars of the Global Innovation Index 2020 (rank)

                   Source: GII 2020 Report

             8.6  India’s performance in innovation outputs is driven by its competencies. India ranks
             tenth  in  the  Knowledge  Diffusion  sub-pillar  of  the  KTO  pillar.  India’s  first  rank  in  the
             Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services exports as per cent of total
             trade shows its leadership in the global ICT services industry. India ranks ninth in terms
             of productivity growth (growth rate of GDP PPP per worker). It is ranked 21  for citable
             documents  as  well  as  cultural  and  creative  services  exports.  India  has  the  distinction  of
             ranking 31  in global brand value by producing many more valuable brands than expected
             for its income level.

             8.7  India has performed impressively in innovation inputs such as domestic market scale (rank
             three) facilitating its overall rank of 15 in the Trade, Competition and Market Scale sub-pillar.
             Other leading  innovation  inputs  for India  include  government’s online  service  (rank nine),
             graduates in science and engineering (rank 12), ease of protecting minority investors (rank 13),
             e-participation (rank 15), average exports of top three global R&D companies (rank 16) and
             average score of top 3 universities in the QS university rankings (rank 22).

             8.8  Figure 5 takes a closer look at India’s performance on the GII and its sub-indices vis-à-
             vis the top 10 economies in terms GDP (Current US$). India performs above expectation for
             its level of development (per capita GDP) on the GII as well as the Innovation Output and
             Innovation Input sub-indices.
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