Page 261 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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244     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 1

                                    Figure 5: Innovation and Level of Development

                           Global Innovation Index 2020                Innovation Output Sub-Index 2020
                 0                            UK   US          0                            UK  GR
                                        CH     FR  GR                                CH          US
                                              JP  CA                                       JP  FR
                                               IT                                            IT
                 50           India 48                         50           India 45
                                       BR                                           BR
                Rank                                          Rank
                 100                                           100

                 150                                           150
                   3       3.5      4        4.5      5         3        3.5      4       4.5      5
                       Log 10 (GDP per capita 2019, PPP Current International $)  Log 10 (GDP per capita 2019, PPP Current International $)

                                                 Innovation Input Sub-Index 2020
                                        0                               CA US
                                                              CH     JP  FR  GR
                                        50                    BR
                                                     India 57


                                          3       3.5      4       4.5       5
                                             Log 10 (GDP per capita 2019, PPP Current International $)
             Source: The World Bank and GII database
             Note: Highest possible rank is 1. Figure shows India’s innovation rank. US = USA, CH = China, JP = Japan, GR =
             Germany, UK = United Kingdom, FR = France, IT = Italy, BR = Brazil and CA = Canada.
             Is India a positive outlier only because of its population?

             8.9  India is an innovation outlier in terms of its level of development (per capita GDP in PPP
             terms). India is the third largest economy globally in PPP terms and the second largest in terms
             of population. Since per capita income is a function of the population, we examine whether
             India is a positive outlier because of high population.

             8.10  Figure 6 sheds light on this issue. It plots GII rank, Innovation Outputs rank and Innovation
             Inputs rank against log GDP PPP and log population. The top 10 economies (GDP current US$)
             are highlighted on the graphs. It may be seen that population does not seem to be correlated to
             GII, Innovation Outputs and Innovation Inputs. However, GDP seems to be positively correlated
             with innovation performance. Figure 6 suggests that India’s status as an innovation outlier w.r.t.
             its level of development cannot be attributed to its population as we observe no clear pattern of
             correlation between innovation performance and population.

             8.11  Figure 6 also suggests that India is a negative outlier in terms of its GDP, i.e. India seems
             to be underperforming in innovation w.r.t. the size of its GDP. This divergent performance for
             India in terms of the size of its economy and its level of development is a significant finding and
             warns against being complacent.
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