Page 268 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 268

Innovation: Trending Up but needs thrust, especially from the Private Sector  251

                       Figure 12: India’s performance in Market Sophistication Pillar in GII 2020

                         Innovation Input Sub-Index 2020             Market Sophistication Pillar 2020
                             Pillar - Market Sophistication                  Sub-Pillar: Credit
                   0                           CA   US         0                           CA   US
                                         CH    JP  UK                                CH       GR
                              India 31           FR GR                                      JP
                   50                            IT            50         India 60         FR
                 Rank                   BR                   Rank                           IT
                   100                                         100                  BR

                   150                                         150
                    3       3.5      4       4.5       5         3      3.5       4       4.5      5
                      Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)  Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)
                        Market Sophistication Pillar 2020            Market Sophistication Pillar 2020
                               Sub-Pillar: Investment              Sub-Pillar: Trade, Competition & Market Scale
                   0                           CA UK US        0          India 15   CH   JP  GR  US
                                                                                           FR UK
                                               FR                                   BR     IT  CA
                   50         India 59   CH     JP             50
                 Rank                           IT GR        Rank
                   100                  BR                     100

                   150                                         150
                    3       3.5      4       4.5       5         3      3.5       4       4.5      5
                      Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)  Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)

             Source: The World Bank and GII database
             Note: Highest possible rank is 1. Figure shows India’s innovation rank. US = USA, CH = China, JP = Japan, GR =
             Germany, UK = United Kingdom, FR = France, IT = Italy, BR = Brazil and CA = Canada.

             8.19  Figure 13 examines India’s performance in the business sophistication pillar and its three
             sub-pillars – knowledge worker, innovation linkages and knowledge absorption vis-à-vis its
             level of development. India performed above expectation for its level of development in two
             sub-pillars of the business sophistication pillar in 2020 – knowledge absorption (rank 39) and
             innovation linkages (rank 41). Its performance in knowledge absorption sub-pillar was led by
             the parameters intellectual property payments as per cent of total trade (rank 27) and high-tech
             imports as per cent of total trade (rank 29). India’s relatively poor performance in knowledge
             workers sub-pillar can be mainly attributed to its low performance in the parameter females
             employed with advanced degrees (rank 101), followed by the parameter knowledge-intensive
             employment (rank 90).
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