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252     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 1

                       Figure 13: India’s performance in Business Sophistication Pillar in GII 2020

                         Innovation Input Sub-Index 2020            Business Sophistication Pillar 2020
                            Pillar   Business Sophistication            Sub-Pillar: Knowledge Worker
                   0                     CH   JP   GR          0                     CH   JP  GR US
                                        BR     CA UK                                BR     FR UK
                                               IT                                            CA
                   50         India 55                         50                          IT
                 Rank                                        Rank         India 83
                   100                                         100

                   150                                         150
                     3      3.5       4      4.5       5        3       3.5      4       4.5      5
                      Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)  Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)
                        Business Sophistication Pillar 2020         Business Sophistication Pillar 2020
                            Sub-Pillar: Innovation Linkages            Sub-Pillar: Knowledge Absorption
                   0                           CA   US         0                          JP    US
                                              JP  UK                                 CH    FR  CA
                              India 41   CH    IT FR                      India 39  BR      UK
                   50                 BR                       50                          IT
                 Rank                                        Rank
                   100                                         100

                   150                                         150
                     3      3.5       4      4.5       5        3       3.5      4       4.5      5
                       Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)  Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)

             Source: The World Bank and GII database
             Note: Highest possible rank is 1. Figure shows India’s innovation rank. US = USA, CH = China, JP = Japan, GR =
             Germany, UK = United Kingdom, FR = France, IT = Italy, BR = Brazil and CA = Canada.


             8.20  India is currently the fifth largest economy in terms of GDP current US$ while it is the
             third largest in terms of GDP PPP current international $. Although India has performed above
             expectation on innovation w.r.t. its level of development, India lags behind most other large
             economies (top ten in terms of GDP current US$) on most indicators of innovation.

             8.21  Figure  14  shows  GII  performance  of  the  ten  largest  economies  (GDP  current  US$).
             Although India performs in line with its level of development, India ranks second lowest, after
             Brazil, on the overall GII. Countries such as China and the UK rank much higher than expected
             for their level of development.
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