Page 273 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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256 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 1
Figure 19: Performance of Top 10 Economies on Institutions Pillar
Innovation Input Sub-Index 2020 Institutions Pillar 2020
Pillar Institutions Sub-Pillar: Political Environment
0 CA 0
20 FR GR 20 FR UK US
Rank 40 IT Rank 40 CH IT
CH 60 IN 63
60 IN 61
80 BR
80 100
3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8
Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $) Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)
Institutions Pillar 2020 Institutions Pillar 2020
Sub-Pillar: Regulatory Environment Sub-Pillar: Business Environment
0 UK 0 US
20 FR CA 20 UK GR
Rank 60 Rank 40
IN 70 BR
80 60 IN 62
100 CH 80 BR
3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8
Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $) Log 10 (GDP per capita, PPP Current International $)
Source: The World Bank and GII database
Note: Highest possible rank is 1. Figure shows India’s innovation rank. US = USA, CH = China, JP = Japan, GR =
Germany, IN=INDIA, UK = United Kingdom, FR = France, IT = Italy, BR = Brazil and CA = Canada.
8.25 Figure 19 compares India’s performance on institutions pillar w.r.t. the other largest
economies. India performs above expectation for its level of development on the institutions
pillar and each of its sub-pillars. However, India ranks third lowest, after Brazil and China, on
the institutions pillar and regulatory environment sub-pillar. India ranks second lowest, after
Brazil, on political and business environment sub-pillars.
8.26 Figure 20 compares India’s performance on HCR pillar w.r.t. the other largest economies.
India performs in line with its level of development on the HCR pillar and research &
development sub-pillar, while it performs above expectation on tertiary education sub-pillar.
However, amongst the top ten economies, India ranks lowest on the HCR pillar and the R&D
and primary and secondary education sub-pillars. India ranks fourth lowest – after Japan, Brazil
and China, on the tertiary education sub-pillar.