Page 538 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 538

Prices and Inflation  165

                                                                                          Nov-20  dec-20
                 Description  Weight 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21# Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20  (P)     (P)
             Food Index        24.4    0.6     6.9     4.2      4.7   4.8     7.2    6.2    4.3    0.9
             Food articles     15.3    0.3     8.4     3.9      4.5   4.4     8.4    7.1    3.9   –1.1
             Cereals            2.8    5.5     7.5    –1.4      0.7  –1.6    –3.7   –5.2   –5.5   –6.5
             Pulses             0.6   –9.4    15.9    12.1     10.2   9.9    12.5   16.1   13.0    9.7
             Vegetables         1.9   –8.4    31.2     7.1      8.2   7.2    38.1   26.7   12.2  –13.2
             Fruits             1.6   –1.7     3.2    –1.3     –3.0  –0.3    –4.6   –4.3   –3.8    1.4
             Milk               4.4    2.4     2.5     5.1      4.7   4.4     5.6    5.7    5.5    3.9
             Egg, meat & fish   2.4    1.7     6.5     3.4      5.3   6.2     4.1    4.2    0.6    1.4
             Food products      9.1    0.9     4.1     5.0      5.0   5.5     4.9    4.4    4.9    4.9
             Vegetable and
             animal oils and fats  2.6  7.5    1.4    17.3     15.9  17.7    18.7   20.6   23.2   21.8
             Sugar              1.1  –10.7     3.9     0.1      3.3   0.5    –0.8   –1.5   –0.8   –0.3
             Fuel & power      13.2   11.6    –1.8   –12.2     –9.8  –9.1    –8.6  –11.1   –9.9   –8.7
             manufactured      55.1    4.2    –0.4     0.8     –0.2   0.6     1.3    1.8    2.6    4.1
             products (Core)
             Source: Office of the Economic Adviser, DPIIT.
             Note: P: Provisional, #April to December 2020.
             5.4  The rural-urban difference in CPI inflation, which was high in 2019, saw a decline in 2020.
             From  July  2018  to  December  2019,  CPI-Urban  inflation  was  consistently  above  CPI-Rural
             inflation, mainly on account of the differential rates of food inflation between rural and urban
             areas witnessed during this period. However, in the current year, CPI-Urban inflation has moved
             closely with CPI-Rural inflation (Figure 4). Although food inflation in rural and urban areas
             has almost converged now (Figure 5), divergence in rural-urban inflation is observed in other
             components of CPI (Figure 6). Inflation in non-food components of CPI is higher in urban areas
             as compared to rural areas in the current year. While fuel & light inflation is (-) 0.1 per cent in
             rural areas, it is 6.7 per cent in urban areas. The rural-urban differential in other components is in
             the range of 1.6 to 2.3 percentage points, except housing, which is not compiled for rural areas.
                                        Figure 4: CPI Rural and Urban inflation

               Source: NSO.
   533   534   535   536   537   538   539   540   541   542   543