Page 63 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 63

46      Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 1

                   Fiscal policy   Recession (↓ GDP)  Expansion (↑ GDP)            Outcome
                   (FP) stance
                 Pro-cyclical     Contractionary FP   Expansionary FP     Deepens    recessions   and
                                  ↓ Govt. Expenditure ↑ Govt. Expenditure amplifies  expansions,  thereby
                                  or /and             or/and              increasing  fluctuations  in  the
                                  ↑ Taxes             ↓ Taxes             business cycle.
                 Counter-cyclical  Expansionary FP    Contractionary FP   Softens  the  recession  and
                                  ↑ Govt. Expenditure ↓ Govt. Expenditure moderates  the  expansions,
                                  or/and              or /and             thereby decreasing fluctuations
                                  ↓ Taxes             ↑ Taxes             in the business cycle.

                              Figure A: Business Cycle under Various Fiscal Policy Stance

                Channels of Transmission
                    Recalling the National Income identity , Y= C+I+G+X-M , the net effect of a recession on
                the private sector may be in terms of lower private consumption (C), lower private investment
                (I), risk aversion by the private sector and pessimistic expectations/sentiments. In such a scenario,
                adopting a counter cyclical policy by expanding the Government Expenditure – both consumption
                and investment - will support the GDP and minimise the output gap (as seen in the figure above).
                This happens primarily through the following channels:

                  (i)  An  expansion  in  Government  expenditure  can  cushion  the  contraction  in  output  by
                     contributing to the GDP growth, by offsetting the decline in consumption and investment;
                     and  also  by  boosting  private  investment  and  consumption  through  higher  spending
                     multipliers  during  recession.  (Auerbach  and  Gorodnichenko  (2012),  Riera-Crichton,
                     Vegh and Vuletin (2014), Jorda and Taylor (2016), Canzoneri et al (2012)).
                  (ii)  Through risk multiplier by compensating for greater risk-aversion of private sector to bring
                     back ‘animal spirits’.
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