Page 688 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 688

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             Table 7: Foreign and International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts in India and the World
                            Parameter                    2015      2016      2017      2018      2019
              Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTA) to India    8.03      8.80     10.04      10.56     10.93
              International Tourist Arrivals (ITAs) in
              India (million)*                          13.76     15.03     16.81      17.42     17.91
              International Tourist Arrivals (ITAs) around   1,195  1,241   1,333      1,408     1,460
              the World (million)
              India’s Share in World’s ITAs (per cent)   1.15      1.21       1.26      1.24      1.23
              India’s Rank in World’s ITAs                24 th     26 th     26 th     2 2nd     23 rd
              ITAs in Asia & the Pacific (million)      284.1     306.6     324.1      347.7     360.1
              India’s Share in Asia Pacific’s ITAs       4.84      4.90       5.19      5.01      4.97
              (per cent)
              India’s Rank in Asia Pacific’s ITAs          7 th      8 th      7 th      7 th      7 th
              India’s Share in World Tourism Receipts    1.73      1.84       2.02     1.97#     2.03 #
              (per cent)
              Foreign Exchange Earnings through
              Tourism (US $ billion)                    21.01     22.92     27.31      28.59     30.06
              India’s Rank in World Tourism Receipts      14 th     13 th     13 th     13 th#    12 th#
              India’s Share in Asia Pacific’s Tourism    5.91      6.18       6.89     6.55 #    6.57 #
              Receipt (per cent)
              India’s Rank in Asia Pacific’s Tourism        th        th        th        th#       th#
              Receipts                                     7         7         7         7         6

             Source: Ministry of Tourism.
             Note: All figures are calendar year wise.
             * International Tourist Arrivals is the sum of Foreign Tourist Arrivals and NRI arrivals in the country; #Provisional.

               Figure 2(a) : Growth (YoY) in Foreign Tourist   Figure 2(b) : Growth (YoY) in Tourism
                             Arrivals to India                      Foreign Exchange Earnings

             Source: Ministry of Tourism.
             Note: Figures for 2020 are provisional.
             All International Commercial Flights have been suspended since March, 2020.
   683   684   685   686   687   688   689   690   691   692   693