Page 84 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 84

Does Growth Lead to Debt Sustainability? Yes, But Not Vice-Versa!  67

                        Figure 13: Relationship between public investment and private investment
                        13a. FY 1951 to FY 1990                       13b. FY 1991 to FY 2019

               Source: MosPI
               Investment and GDP upto FY2011 is 2004-05 series and from FY 2011 to FY 2019 is 2011-12 series

             2.29  To  examine  the  robustness  of  the  above  findings,  we  also  analyse  how  non-financial
             corporate debt-to-GDP and bank credit change with changes in government debt-to-GDP. We
             find no evidence of crowding out during FY 2001 and FY 2019, indicated by no correlation
             between the two sets of variables (Figure 14).

                          Figure 14: Does higher government debt lead to lower corporate debt
                                               over FY2001 to FY 2019?
                   14a: Relationship between change in          14b: Relationship between change in
              government debt and change in corporate debt    government debt and change bank credit

             Source: RBI, IMF, MosPI

             2.30  Similarly, we find no correlation between public sector savings and private investments by
             the corporate sector or between public sector savings and private savings by the corporate sector
             for the period FY1991 to FY2019 (Figure 15).
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