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108     Economic Survey 2021-22

             one-off additional SDR  allocation  by the IMF. Commercial  borrowings and the short-term
             trade credit, on the other hand, which are growth-sensitive, still continued to be below the pre-
             pandemic levels (Table 8).
                                          Table 8: External Debt Outstanding

                                                                                           (US$ billion)
                                             Mar-           Sep-20   Dec-20   Mar-21   Jun-21   Sep-21
                                   Dec-19           Jun-20
                                                20          PR       PR       PR       PR       P
                                             59.9    64.7    67.0     68.1      69.7    70.2      71.4
               1.  Multilateral      60.2
                                            (-0.4)   (8.0)   (3.6)    (1.6)    (2.5)    (0.6)    (1.7)
                                             28.1    28.5    29.3     30.5      30.9    30.8      30.9
               2.  Bilateral         27.3
                                             (2.9)   (1.6)   (2.7)    (4.3)    (1.3)    (-0.5)   (0.5)
                   International             5.4      5.5     5.6      5.7      5.6      5.7      23.3
               3.                    5.5
                   Monetary Fund            (-1.3)   (0.8)   (2.3)    (2.3)    (-1.6)   (0.6)   (310.8)
                                             7.0      6.8     7.0      6.5      6.3      5.7      5.6
               4.  Trade Credit      6.9
                                             (1.9)   (-2.6)  (2.8)    (-7.5)   (-3.1)   (-8.8)   (-1.7)
                   Commercial               219.5    211.0   206.8    207.9    213.1    213.4    218.8
               5.                   223.1
                   Borrowings               (-1.6)   (-3.9)  (-2.0)   (0.5)    (2.5)    (0.2)    (2.5)
                   NRI Deposits             130.6    132.7   137.3    140.5    141.9    141.5    141.6
               6.                   133.1
                   (above one-year)         (-1.9)   (1.6)   (3.4)    (2.3)    (1.0)    (-0.3)   (0.0)
                                             1.0      1.0     1.0      1.0      1.0      1.0      1.0
               7.  Rupee Debt        1.1
                                            (-5.2)   (-5.2)  (2.0)    (0.9)    (-2.2)   (-0.8)   (-1.6)
                   Total Long-Term          451.6    450.2   454.0    460.2    468.5    468.3    492.5
               8.                   457.2
                   Debt (1 to 7)            (-1.2)   (-0.3)  (0.8)    (1.4)    (1.8)    (-0.1)   (5.2)
                                            106.9    105.0   102.8    103.5    101.1    102.5    100.6
               9.  Short-term Debt  106.8
                                             (0.1)   (-1.7)  (-2.1)   (0.7)    (-2.4)   (1.4)    (-1.9)
                   Trade Related            101.4    101.2   99.4     99.6      97.3    99.2      97.4
              9a.                   102.4
                   Credits                  (-1.0)   (-0.2)  (-1.8)   (0.2)    (-2.4)   (2.0)    (-1.8)
                                            558.4    555.2   556.8    563.8    569.6    570.8    593.1
                   Total ( 8+9)     564.0
                                            (-1.0)   (-0.6)  (0.3)    (1.3)    (1.0)    (0.2)    (3.9)
             Source: RBI, Ministry of Finance, Staff calculations
             Note: (i) Data for end of the quarter
             (ii) Figures in brackets are quarter-over-quarter (q-o-q) growth rates
             (iii) End-December 2019 is the pre-pandemic quarter
             (iv) PR: Partially Revised; P: Provisional

             3.55  As far as currency composition of external debt is concerned, US dollar denominated
             debt remained the largest component of India’s external debt, with a share of 51 per cent at
             end-September 2021, followed by the Indian rupee. External debt denominated in Indian rupee
             witnessed impressive increase over the years owing, inter alia, to a calibrated encouragement
             of FPI investment into the Indian debt market, apart from continued large accretion to Non-
             Resident External Rupee Account (See Appendix 8.4 in Volume 2). Accordingly, being the
             second largest component, Indian rupee denominated debt provides significant insulation from
             exchange rate fluctuations.

             3.56  Leveraging on the robust trends outlined above, the set of salient external sector vulnerability
             indicators improved. Debt service (i.e., principal repayments and interest payments) declined
             to 4.7 per cent of current receipts at end-September 2021, as compared with 8.2 per cent at
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