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Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       83

                                     Table 4.3. All India Consumer Price Index Numbers            (Contd....)
                                 Industrial Workers (CPI-IW)  New Series (CPI-NS)     Agricultural  Rural Labourers
                                                                                   Labourers (CPI-   (CPI-RL)

                   Base            (2001=100 & 2016=100)     (2010=100 & 2012=100)  (1986-87=100)  (1986-87=100)
                 Description     Food   Non-Food   General   Rural  Urban  Combined      General      General
                    (1)            (2)       (3)     (4)      (5)     (6)       (7)          (8)          (9)

             October             125.7     124.4   124.9    166.3   164.6    165.5         1081         1090
             November            127.8     124.3   125.7    167.6   165.6    166.7         1092         1101

             December                                       167.0   165.1    166.1

            Source: 1. Labour Bureau for consumer price indices for Industrial Workers (IW), Agricultural Labourers (AL) and Rural
            Labourers (RL),
            2. NSO for consumer price indices- new series (CPI-NS).
            P:  Provisional
            1.  Weights of CPI-IW for food & non-food with base 2001=100 are 46.20% & 53.80% respectively and with base 2016=100 are
               39.17% & 60.83% respectively.
            2.  CPI- New Series (Rural, Urban & Combined) with base 2010=100 was introduced w.e.f. January 2011.  The CPI-UNME has since
               been totally discontinued.
            3.  CPI- New Series figures from 2013-14 is based on new base 2012=100.
            4.  CPI- New Series figures for April and May 2020 are imputed indices released by NSO.
            5.  CPI for Industrial Workers figures from September 2020 is based on new base 2016=100
            6.  CPI for Industrial Workers figure for 2020-21 is based on old base 2001=100
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