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118     |    Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix

                                          Table 6.3 A: Principal Exports (Concld.)                 (Contd....)
                                                                                            Quantity : Thousand tonnes
                                                                                           Value : ` crore & US $ million
                                                2020-21             2020-21 (Apr-Sep)      2021-22 (Apr-Sep) (P)
                                            Qty.   `. Cr  $ million  Qty.  `. Cr  $ million  Qty.  `. Cr  $ million
             (1)                            (20)   (21)    (22)    (23)   (24)    (25)    (26)    (27)    (28)
             I.   Agricultural and allied products:  ...  308830  41714  135219  18022         170131   23010
                  of which
             I. 1  Coffee                   245   5340    720      132   2762     368    160.6   3403    460
             I. 2  Tea and mate             213   5604    756      105   2672     357     99.1   2763    374
             I. 3  Oil cakes              4366.5  11689   1585    1492   3459     462   1466.0   3471    469
             I. 4  Tobacco                  178   3840    518      91    1983     264     97.1   2131    288
             I. 5  Cashew kernels           74    3132    423      23    1275     170     48.5   1656    224
             I. 6  Spices                  1607  29529    3984     773  14330    1910    732.8  14829    2005
             I. 7  Sugar and molasses      8836  21985    2969    4160  10585    1408   5052.1  14162    1915
             I. 8  Raw cotton              1214  13968    1897     357   3476     465    586.3   8411    1138
             I. 9  Rice                   17779  65405    8829    7503  30694    4089  10145.3  34147    4618
             I. 10  Fish and fish preparations  1168  44176  5962  488  20315    2710    628.3  28367    3837
             I. 11  Meat and meat preparations  ...  23821  3220        10360    1385           12015    1626
             I. 12  Fruits, vegetables and pulses  ...  13034  1759      6218     827            6407    867
                  (excl.cashew kernels, processed
                  fruits & juices)
             I. 13  Miscellaneous processed foods (incl.  ...  8300.8  1121  4017  536           4358    590
                  processed fruits and juices)
             II.  Ores and minerals (excl. coal)  ...  69634  9416      29248    3898           35441    4793
                  of which
             II.1  Mica                     143    472     64      66     224     30      85.1    279     38
             II.2  Iron ore (million tonne)  58  36254    4897     29   16018    2132     18.3  17084    2311
             III.  Manufactured goods        ...  1537194  207712       661514  88264         1015786  137362
                  of which
             III. 1  Textile fabrics & manufactures  ...  8625  1165     3804     508            6563    887
                  (excl. carpets hand-made)
                  of which
             III.1.1  Cotton yarn,fabrics, made-ups etc.  ...  65160  8815  53690  7176         96334   13028
             III.1.2  Readymade garments of all  ...  90639  12272      71552    9568          108458   14666
                  textile materials
             III. 2  Coir yarn and manufactures  ...  3527  477          1538     205            2321    314
             III. 3  Jute manufactures incl.twist & yarn  ...  2741  371  1022    136            1693    229
             III. 4  Leather & leather manufactures incl.  ...  24403  3302  10618  1421        15118    2044
                  leather footwear,leather travel
                  goods & leather garments
             III. 5  Handicrafts (incl. carpets hand-made) c  ...  23453  3176  9087  1216      13915    1882
                  of which
             III. 5.1  Gems and jewellery    ...  191928  26023         64898    8690          142737   19299
             III. 6  Chemicals and allied products a  ...  230835  31165  105721  14093        144742   19583
             III. 7  Machinery, transport & metal   ...  549475  74241  245121  32700          390279   52793
                  including iron and steel b
             IV.  Mineral fuels and lubricants (incl.coal) d  ...  198564  26838  94687  12650  215549  29159
             V.   Other & unclassified items     44823    6127          20690    2790           28892    3937
                  Total Exports              ...  2159045  291807       941358  125624        1465799  198261
            Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata
               P  : Provisional.         ... : Not available
               a : Chemicals and allied products figrues relate to "Basic Chemicals" and "Plastic Linoleum products"
               b : Also includes electronic goods and computer software
               c : Gems and Jewellery excluded from Handicarafts and reported as individual item since 1997-98
               d : During 1990-91 and 2000-01 Crude oil exports amount to Nil
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