Page 637 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 637

264     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

                    • ` 18,000 crores additional outlay for PM Awaas Yojana (PMAY) –Urban
                    • Support for construction & infrastructure – relaxation of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) &
                    performance security on Government tenders

                    • ` 1.10 lakh crores platform for infra debt financing – ` 6000 crores equity infusion in National
                    Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) Debt Platform, ` 10,200 crores additional budget
                    outlay  will  be  provided  towards  capital  and  industrial  expenditure  for  domestic  defence
                    equipment, industrial incentives, industrial infrastructure, and green energy

             8.3  As per the latest estimates on Gross Value Added (GVA), the industrial sector is expected
             to record a growth of -9.6 per cent with an overall contribution in GVA of 25.8 per cent in
             2020-21 (FY21). The contribution of the industrial sector has been constantly declining since
             2011-12 (Figure 1). The fall in share is across the board except in case of ‘Electricity, gas, water
             supply & other utility services’ whose share in GVA has increased from 2.3 per cent in FY12 to
             2.7 per cent in FY21. The performance of the various components of the industrial sector namely,
             manufacturing, mining and quarrying, electricity, and construction is presented in Table 1.
                    Figure 1: Share of Industry and its Components in GVA (Current Prices, Per cent)

                      35.0  32.5   31.8
                                                 30.0   30.0  29.3   29.2   28.9
                      30.0                                                         27.5
                            9.6    9.2                                                    25.8
                      25.0                8.9    8.5    7.9    7.7    7.7    7.8
                            2.3    2.3                                                    6.9
                      20.0                2.5    2.5    2.7    2.5    2.7    2.7
                            17.4   17.1   16.5
                      10.0                       16.3   17.1  16.7   16.4   16.1   15.1   14.5
                            3.2    3.1    2.9    2.7    2.3    2.3    2.3    2.3   2.1    1.7
                            FY12   FY13  FY14   FY15   FY16   FY17   FY18   FY19   FY20   FY21
                             Mining      Manufacturing    Electricity*  Construction   Industry

                     *Electricity, gas, water supply & other utility services.
                     Source: Survey calculations based on MoSPI data.

                       Table 1: Rate of Growth of GVA in Industry and Its Components (Per cent)

                             FY13     FY14    FY15    FY16    FY17     FY18    FY19    FY20     FY21

              Industry         3.3     3.8     7.0     9.6     7.7      6.3     4.9     0.9      -9.6
              Mining           0.6     0.2     9.7     10.1    9.8      4.9     -5.8    3.1      -12.4
              Manufacturing    5.5     5.0     7.9     13.1    7.9      6.6     5.7     0.0      -9.4

              Electricity*     2.7     4.2     7.2     4.7     10.0    11.2     8.2     4.1      2.7
              Construction     0.3     2.7     4.3     3.6     5.9      5.0     6.1     1.3      -12.6
             *Electricity, gas, water supply & other utility services
             Source: Survey calculations based on MoSPI Data.
   632   633   634   635   636   637   638   639   640   641   642