Page 644 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 644
Industry and Infrastructure 271
Figure 8: Number of Items/item groups Figure 9: Weight of the items/item groups
recorded a growth (Jan-19 to Nov-20) recorded a growth (Jan-19 to Nov-20, per cent)
250 70
150 40
0 0
Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19 Jan-20 Mar-20 May-20 Jul-20 Sep-20 Nov-20 Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19 Jan-20 Mar-20 May-20 Jul-20 Sep-20 Nov-20
Source: Survey calculations based on MoSPI data. Source: Survey calculations based on MoSPI data.
Table 4: Number of items/item groups that recorded a growth in 2020 by Used Based Classification
Item Group Weight Items Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
Primary goods 34.05 15 6 11 3 1 3 5 3 4 7 6 7
Capital goods 8.22 67 27 23 4 1 4 9 14 16 30 38 26
Intermediate goods 17.22 110 55 64 9 9 9 24 29 34 58 72 56
Infrastructure/ construction 12.34 29 14 16 0 0 3 4 7 11 15 22 13
Consumer durables 12.84 86 39 42 2 0 2 14 21 24 43 52 39
Consumer non-durables 15.33 100 51 57 17 17 30 49 41 40 43 59 30
Total 100.00 407 192 213 35 28 51 105 115 129 196 249 171
Source: Survey calculations based on MoSPI data.
8.11 To provide another perspective on the revival of growth, the IIP was further analysed by
the weight of items that have recorded growth. The weight of the items that recorded growth was
46.05 per cent in November-2020, which was significantly higher than 5.87 per cent in the month
of April-2020 (Figure 9 and Table 5). In the past (from Apr-12 to Feb-20), the number of items
that recorded a monthly growth in the pre-COVID-19 regime had an average weight of 61.6 per
cent. The weight of the items recording positive growth in November-2019 and November-2018
were 56.22 per cent and 52.40 per cent, respectively. Table 6 and Table 7 present the number
of items that fall under different growth categories and corresponding weights in those growth