Page 332 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 332
The Bare Necessities 315
Box 1: Government Schemes for Bare Necessities
Scheme Objective Targets and achievements
Swachh Bharat Objective of SBM-Rural was Under SBM, rural sanitation coverage
Mission-Rural and to attain Open Defecation Free has made an incredible leap in the
Urban (ODF) India by 2 October, target achievement with more than 10
2019 by providing access crore toilets built across rural India.
to toilet facilities to all rural With a view to sustain the gains made
households in the country. under the programme in the last five
Objective of SBM-Uuban is years and to ensure that no one is left
to achieve 100 per cent Open behind and to achieve the overall
Defecation Free (ODF) status cleanliness in villages, phase II of
and 100 per cent scientific SBM(G) from 2020-21 to 2024-25 is
processing of the Municipal being implemented focusing on ODF
Solid Waste (MSW) being sustainability and Solid & Liquid
generated in the country. Waste Management (SLWM) through
convergence between different verticals
of financing and various Schemes of
Central and State Governments such as
15 Finance Commission grants to local
bodies, MNREGS, Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) funds etc.
Since its launch in 2014, SBM-U has
made significant progress in the area
of both sanitation and solid waste
management. 4,327 Urban Local Bodies
(ULBs) have been declared ODF so far.
This has been made possible through
construction of more than 66 lakhs
individual household toilets and over
6 lakhs community/ public toilets, far
exceeding the Mission’s targets. The
Mission is now focusing on holistic
sanitation through its ODF+ and
ODF++ protocols with a total of 1,319
cities certified ODF+ and 489 cities
certified ODF++ as on date. In the area
of solid waste management, 100 per
cent of wards have complete door-to
door collection. Further, out of 1,40,588
Tonnes Per Day (TPD) waste generated
per day, 68 per cent (i.e., 95,676 TPD)
is being processed.