Page 335 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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318 Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 1
States/UTs by employing the data at State level. As Telangana did not exist in 2011, data is not
available for the State in 2011; however, the maps show the index value for the combined State of
Andhra Pradesh in 2011. The indicators selected are the most desirable options and relevant for
public policy targets from the possible and recorded options. The index is constructed at two points
of time – 2012 and 2018 – using 26 indicators on five dimensions viz., water, sanitation, housing,
micro-environment, and other facilities (Table 1).
Table 1: Details of Indicators (all in per cent of Households)
Used under Five Dimensions given in the NSO report.
Indicators used for the analysis are in Bold italics, *Figures in parenthesis
Five Dimensions
indicate the number of indicators taken in each of the dimensions.
I. Water (6*) • Principal source of drinking water: piped water into dwelling, piped
water to yard/plot ; all options are :(bottled water - 01, piped water into
dwelling - 02, piped water to yard/plot - 03, piped water from neighbour
- 04, public tap/standpipe - 05, tube well - 06, hand pump - 07, well:
protected - 08, unprotected - 09; tanker-truck: public - 10, private -
11; spring: protected - 12, unprotected - 13; rainwater collection -14,
surface water: tank/pond - 15, other surface water (river, dam, stream,
canal, lake, etc.) - 16; others (cart with small tank or drum, etc) - 19)
• Distance to the principal source of drinking water: within dwelling, outside
dwelling but within premises (within dwelling - 1, outside dwelling but
within the premises -2, outside premises: less than 0.2 k.m. -3, 0.2 to 0.5
k.m. - 4, 0.5 to 1.0 k.m. - 5, 1.0 to 1.5 k.m. - 6, 1.5 k.m. or more - 7)
• Method of taking water: through tap (through tap - 1, vessel with handle
dipped in to take out water - 2, vessel without handle dipped in to take
out water - 3, poured out - 4)
• Nature of access: exclusive use of the household (exclusive use
of household - 1, common use of households in the building - 2,
neighbour’s source - 3, community use: public source restricted to
particular community - 4, public source unrestricted - 5, private source
restricted to particular community - 6, private source unrestricted - 7;
others - 9).
II. Sanitation (5*) • Access of the household to latrine: exclusive use of the household
(exclusive use of household - 1, common use of households in the
building - 2, public/community latrine without payment - 3, public/
community latrine with payment - 4, others - 9, no latrine - 5).
• Type of latrine used by the household: piped sewer system, septic tank,
twin leach pit, single pit (used: flush/pour-flush to: piped sewer system
- 01, septic tank - 02, twin leach pit - 03, single pit - 04, elsewhere (open
drain, open pit, open field, etc) - 05; ventilated improved pit latrine
- 06, pit latrine with slab - 07, pit latrine without slab/open pit - 08,
composting latrine - 10, others - 19; not used - 11)