Page 484 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 484

External Sector  111

               channel flagged in the literature through which the external debt impacts growth adversely is
               the so-called Debt Overhang: in the likelihood of future debt being larger than the countries
               repayment ability, then, expected debt service will be increasingly pre-empting the country’s
               output levels, leading to returns on investments becoming poor and thereby discouraging the
               new domestic and foreign investments and also eroding the quality of investments.

               The India’s external debt to GDP ratio has been well below the optimal zone  over the years
               as it came down from 38.7 per cent as at end-March 1992 to as low as 17.1 per cent as at
               end-March 2006 (Figure B4.1).  It remained range-bound around 23 per cent during early
               2010s. It is estimated at 20.6 per cent as at end-March 2020. Barring China, leading emerging
               market economies have higher ratio than India’s.

               India’s external debt to exports ratio dropped secularly downwards since the crisis year 1992,
               though it has climbed up in the recent years and is now hovering in the close vicinity of
               the optimal zone (Figure B4.2). It needs to be remembered that the optimal zone indicates
               growth maximising compatible with the long-run framework of steady state.

                   Figure B4.1: Ratio of External Debt to GDP in India and Select Developing Countries*:
                                              Optimal Range  vs. Actual
                      40                           Optimal Zone
                      35                                             Mexico           Brazil
                      30         India
                      Per cent  25                                  Indonesia
                      15                                                           China
                           1990-91  1991-92  1992-93  1993-94  1994-95  1995-96  1996-97  1997-98  1998-99  1999-00  2000-01  2001-02  2002-03  2003-04  2004-05  2005-06  2006-07  2007-08  2008-09  2009-10  2010-11  2011-12   2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19

                   * For countries, other than India, it is external debt to Gross National Income (GNI) ratio
                   @ From Pattillo, et al, 2002 and 2011
                   Source: Annual Status Report on India’s External Debt and International Debt Statistics: Various Issues

                  Figure B4.2:Ratio of External Debt to Exports in India and Select Developing Countries:
                                              Optimal Range  vs. Actual
                      445   India
                     Per cent  295                                                     Brazil
                      195                                                         Indonesia
                      95                         Optimal Zone                            Mexico
                          1990-91  1991-92  1992-93  1993-94  1994-95  1995-96  1996-97  1997-98  1998-99  1999-00  2000-01  2001-02  2002-03  2003-04  2004-05  2005-06  2006-07  2007-08  2008-09  2009-10  2010-11  2011-12   2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19

                   @ From Pattillo, et al, 2002 and 2011
                   Source: Annual Status Report on India’s External Debt and International Debt Statistics: Various Issues

             4 The optimal zone considered in this context is from Pattillo, et al, 2002 and 2011as it relates to developing countries
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