Page 485 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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112     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

               John  Hawkins  and  Philip  Turner.  (2000).  Managing  foreign  debt  and  liquidity  risks  in
               emerging economies: an overview. BIS.
               Cordella, T., Ricci, L., & Ruiz-Arranz, M.“Debt Overhand or Debt Irrelevance? Revisiting
               the Debt Growth Link”, Staff Papers, Vol. 57., IMF, Washington DC, 2010

               Cohen, Daniel, "Growth and External Debt: A New Perspective on the African and Latin
               American Tragedies",Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper, No. 1753, 1997.

               Clements, Benedict, Rina Bhattacharya, and Toan Quoc Nguyen, “External Debt, Public
               Investment, and Growth in Low-Income Countries”, Working Paper 03/249, International
               Monetary Fund, 2003.

               Pattillo, Catherine, Hélène Poirson, and Luca Ricci, “External Debt and Growth”, Working
               Paper 02/69, International Monetary Fund, Washington, 2002.
               Ministry of Finance. (2020). India's External Debt - A Status Report: 2019-2020.

             Overall BOP

             3.26  India, being a developing and emerging market economy, typically runs a deficit on the
             current account to supplement domestic savings with foreign savings to fund higher investment.
             The current account deficit is usually financed by a capital account surplus. However, since Q4:
             FY 2019-20, India has been experiencing a current account surplus along with robust capital
             inflows leading to a BoP surplus (Figure 16).

                                           Figure 16: Trends in India's BoP

                                 FDI                             FPI
                                 ECB                             Short Term Trade Credit
                                 Banking Capital                 Forex Reserves (Increase - / Decrease +)
                 6               Other Capital                   CAB

                 2 0
              Per cent of GDP  -2

                      Q1       Q2      Q3       Q4      Q1      Q2       Q3      Q4       Q1      Q2
                                 2018-19                           2019-20                  2020-21

             Source: RBI
             Details available at Annexure.
             Indian Rupee (`) Exchange Rate
             3.27  Indian  ` depreciated by 1.4 per cent (y-o-y basis) vis-à-vis US$ in 2019-20. The  `
             appreciated by 1.9 per cent against US$ between end-October 2019 and end-March 2020.
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