Page 722 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 722

Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development  349

                    • Under Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP) financial assistance was given to
                    building & other construction workers (BOCW) which largely included migrant workers from
                    the  funds collected  under  BOCW’s cess. 31 State/UT Governments  have  announced  cash
                    benefits, ranging from ` 1000 to `  6000 per month to around 2.0 crore workers and total
                    amount of ` 4973.65 crore was disbursed.
                    • Shramik  Special  Trains:  The  Indian  Railways  operated  special  trains  as per  the  State
                    Government’s request to facilitate migrant labourers/stranded passengers from 1  May 2020.
                    These special trains facilitated about 63.19 lakh migrant workers to reach their destination
                    between 1  May 2020 to 31  August 2020.

             10.27  LFPR of females in the productive age (15-59 years) was 26.5 per cent in 2018-19, as
             compared to 80.3 per cent for males (rural+urban). While 54.7 per cent of urban women were
             employed in the regular wage/salaried category, about 59.6 per cent of rural females were not
             only self-employed but 37.9 per cent among them were helpers in household enterprises. The
             low female LFPR is attributed to high participation of women (15 years & above) in domestic
             duties (activity code of 92 & 93 of NCO, 2004), that is 55.7 per cent in rural areas and 59.1 per
             cent in urban areas in 2018-19.

             10.28  The  NSO conducted  Time  Use Survey (TUS) during Jan-Dec, 2019 which  inter-
             alia, provides insights on how males and females spend their time in rural and urban areas in
             various activities during a 24-hour time period. It is observed that time spent by a female on
             unpaid domestic services and unpaid caregiving services to household members is prominent
             and  higher  than  male  counterparts  (Figure  8). Time  spent  on  employment-related  activities
             by female members is 127 minutes lower than male. Among unpaid caregiving services for
             household members, females spent disproportionately higher time on childcare and instruction
             as compared to males (Figure 9). Similarly, among unpaid domestic services for household

             members, females spent most of the time  in food, meal  management  and preparation
             (Figure 10).

                                 Figure 8: Average Time (in minutes) Spent in a Day per
                                  Participant in Different Activities (15-59 age group)

                                                        0     100    200     300    400    500
                                 Employment and related activities
                               Production of goods for own final use
                           Unpaid domestic services for HHs members
                          Unpaid caregiving services for HHs members
                                                                103              Male
                        Unpaid volunteer, trainee and other unpaid work
                                                                100              Female

                    Source: Time Use Survey, 2019.
   717   718   719   720   721   722   723   724   725   726   727