Page 763 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 763

A  18    |    Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2

                             Table 1.7. Components of Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices

                                                                                                    (` crore)
             Year             PFCE    GFCE    GFCF        CIS Valuables  Export   Import of  Discrep-   GDP
                                                                        of goods  goods and   ancies
                                                                            and    services
             (1)                (2)      (3)     (4)     (5)       (6)       (7)       (8)      (9)      (10)

                                                       2011-12 Series
             2011-12        4910447   968375  2997733  207983   253033  2143931    2715554   -29620  8736329
             2012-13        5179091   974263  3145793  201528   259949  2289836    2879079   41635   9213017
             2013-14        5557329   979825  3194924  129758   148879  2468269    2644555   -33060  9801370
             2014-15        5912657  1054151  3278096  274751   187957  2512145    2667595   -24487  10527674

             2015-16        6381419  1132802  3492183  239557   185986  2370282    2511540   78804   11369493
             2016-17        6900236  1201598  3787568  122639  151479  2488423     2621593   277844  12308193
             2017-18 (2  RE)  7379819  1343222  4061195  215795  192661  2601777   3078132   458823  13175160
             2018-19 (1  RE)  7908057  1478565  4460967  264415  169734  2922543   3342777   119923  13981426
             2019-20 (PE)   8325907  1652367  4334091  269489   192629  2817660    3115388   89196   14565951

             2020-21 (1  AE)  7537315  1747876  3707516  258023  99082  2584918    2476873   -18195  13439662
            Source: National Statistical Office
                 PE : Provisional Estimates,                     RE: Revised Estimates      AE: Advance Estimates
            1.   PFCE: Private Final Consumption Expenditure
            2.   GFCE: Government Final Consumption Expenditure
            3.  GFCF: Gross Fixed Capital Formation
            4.  CIS: Change in Stocks
            5.  na: not available
            6.   GDP: Gross Domestic Product
   758   759   760   761   762   763   764   765   766   767   768