Page 760 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 760

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  15

                              Table 1.6. Components of Gross Domestic Product at Current Prices
                                                                                                     (` crore)
             Year           PFCE     GFCE      GFCF         CIS  Valu-   Export of  Import of  Discrepan-  GDP
                                                                 ables  goods and  goods and     cies
                                                                          services  services
             (1)              (2)      (3)       (4)        (5)    (6)        (7)      (8)       (9)     (10)
                                                       2004-05 Series
             1994-95       687154    114672   228442     14072      na     101607   104710      4354  1045590
             1995-96       792015   135883    295046     24557      na     130733   144953     -6556  1226725
             1996-97       928629   154089    328046     -14991     na     144854   161022     39672  1419277
             1997-98      1018559   182245    372401     13044      na     165203   184333      5275  1572394
             1998-99      1166300   225716    427069      -3023     na     195280   224745     16780  1803378
             1999-00      1312537   258868    484666     42497   15519     227697   265702     -52952  2023130
             2000-01      1406661   273400    495196     15158   14724     278126   297523     -8329  2177413
             2001-02      1531672    291189   590240      -1971  14187     290757   311050     -49179  2355845
             2002-03      1620293   301573     601120    18200   13957     355556   379981      5608  2536327
             2003-04      1771305   324783    697478     20667   24572     417425   436878     22151  2841503
             2004-05      1917508   354518    931028     80150   41054     569051   625945     -25154  3242209
             2005-06      2152702   401619    1120292    104389  41392     712087   813466     -25647  3693369
             2006-07      2476667   443477    1343774    147101  49709     904872  1040535     -30359  4294706
             2007-08      2840727   513021    1641673    201534  53592    1018907  1219109     -63255  4987090
             2008-09      3249284   615333    1821099    106791  72213    1328765  1614040     50618  5630063
             2009-10      3707566    771151   2055772    179171  116312   1298780  1647139     -3786  6477827
             2010-11      4360323   890136    2407069    273509  162836   1710193  2050182     30230  7784115
             2011-12      5141896   1025895   2861062    170596  246673   2150326  2721947    135220  9009722
                                                       2011-12 Series
             2011-12      4910447   968375    2997733    207983  253033   2143931  2715554     -29620  8736329
             2012-13      5614484   1062404   3324973    214524  273775   2439707  3108428    122574  9944013
             2013-14      6475649   1156509   3515621    144621  161761   2856781  3191811    114389  11233522
             2014-15      7247340   1301762   3750392    312698  209407   2863636  3235962     18687  12467959
             2015-16      8126408   1436171   3957092    262477  203506   2728647  3044923    102495  13771874
             2016-17      9126533  1586658   4338671    138083  167326    2948772  3220591    306216 15391669
             2017-18(2  RE) 10090759  1838117  4799139  251062  219322    3211521  3751389    439775 17098304
             2018-19(1  RE)  11254014  2104235  5493320  320076  200184   3766294  4468166    301281  18971237
             2019-20 (PE)  12262064  2446579  5472006    338357  224006   3745473  4298950    150314  20339849
             2020-21 (1  AE)  11569766  2724740  4723349  333968  137540  3534555  3505756     -36185  19481975
            Source: National Statistical Office
            PE : Provisional Estimates,                 RE: Revised Estimates      AE: Advance Estimates
            1.  PFCE: Private Final Consumption Expenditure
            2.  GFCE: Government Final Consumption Expenditure
            3.  GFCF: Gross Fixed Capital Formation
            4.  CIS: Change in Stocks
            5.  na: not available
            6.  GDP: Gross Domestic Product
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