Page 758 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 758

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  13

                                Table 1.5 B. Annual Growth Rates of Real Gross Value Added at
                                             Basic Prices by Industry of Origin
                                                                                                    (per cent)
                                                     At Constant Prices
             Year             Agriculture,  Manufacturing,       Trade,    Financing,  Community  Gross value
                               forestry &   construction,        hotels,   insurance,     social &   added at
                            fishing, mining  electricity, gas  transport &      real     personal  basic prices
                            and quarrying      and water   communication   estate and     services
                                                  supply                     business
             (1)                     (2)             (3)            (4)          (5)          (6)        (7)
                                                      2011-12 Series
             2012-13                 1.4             3.6            9.8          9.7          4.3        5.4

             2013-14                 4.8             4.2            6.5         11.2          3.8        6.1
             2014-15                 1.2             6.7            9.4         11.0          8.3        7.2
             2015-16                 2.1             9.5           10.2         10.7          6.1        8.0
             2016-17                 7.3             7.5            7.7          8.6          9.3        8.0

             2017-18 (2  RE)         5.8             6.5            7.6          4.7          9.9        6.6
             2018-19 (1  RE)         1.0             6.0            7.7          6.8          9.4        6.0
             2019-20 (PE)            3.9             0.7            3.6          4.6         10.0        3.9
             2020-21 (1  AE)         0.9            -9.3          -21.4          -0.8        -3.7        -7.2
            Source: National Statistical Office
            PE :   Provisional Estimates,                  RE: Revised Estimates      AE: Advance Estimates
   753   754   755   756   757   758   759   760   761   762   763