Page 754 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 754
Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2 | A 9
Table 1.4 A. Nominal Gross Value Added at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin
(` crore)
At current prices
Year Agriculture, Manufacturing, Trade, Financing, Community Gross value
forestry & construction, hotels, insurance, real social & added at
fishing, mining electricity, gas transport & estate and personal factor cost
and quarrying and water communication business services services (2 to 6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
2004-05 Series
1983-84 75982 47053 35716 23388 26345 209356
1984-85 82204 53656 41125 26907 30311 235113
1985-86 88083 60593 48022 30819 34284 262717
1986-87 95182 67754 54272 35337 39428 292924
1987-88 105358 77630 61963 40387 45700 332068
1988-89 130731 91163 73159 46926 52994 396295
1989-90 144461 108908 85630 55297 60741 456540
1990-91 168166 127079 100318 64598 70019 531814
1991-92 195454 140700 115570 78904 81366 613528
1992-93 219680 163887 136250 87495 94507 703723
1993-94 254876 188251 160990 105686 106090 817961
1994-95 293013 229365 192142 119442 118663 955386
1995-96 319243 280971 231175 143791 140190 1118586
1996-97 381142 318260 273135 158637 166469 1301788
1997-98 408521 348543 313093 180642 193188 1447613
1998-99 466446 393491 358538 210593 236123 1668739
1999-00 497027 426993 400650 260522 273013 1858205
2000-01 506476 474323 443169 282316 294459 2000743
2001-02 546674 497578 491952 321543 317513 2175260
2002-03 548062 550421 543691 360194 341496 2343864
2003-04 608788 618840 624394 402510 371288 2625819
2004-05 650454 744755 727720 437174 411361 2971465
2005-06 732234 859410 846606 493102 459151 3390503
2006-07 829771 1033410 998379 586595 505121 3953276
2007-08 961330 1205458 1150044 691464 573790 4582086
2008-09 1083032 1360426 1310845 845369 703895 5303567
2009-10 1242818 1536492 1481623 964937 883033 6108903
2010-11 1524552 1763584 1779630 1165243 1015850 7248860
2011-12 1721814 2061650 2072272 1381524 1154431 8391691
Source: National Statistical Office
Notes :
1. For the years prior to 1999-2000 totals under col. 7 may not add up to totals of individual item under col. 2 to col. 6 due to
splicing technique applied independently at the level of each industry and at the total level.
2. Estimates for the years 2011-12 onwards (at base 2011-12) are available at basic prices only and are given in table 1.4 B.