Page 752 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 752

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  7

                           Table 1.3 B. Real Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Industry of Origin
                                                                                                     (` crore)
                                                     At constant prices
             Year             Agriculture,  Manufacturing,         Trade,   Financing,  Community  Gross value
                                forestry &    construction,        hotels,  insurance,    social &   added at
                            fishing, mining  electricity, gas  transport &       real    personal  basic prices
                             and quarrying  and water supply  communication  estate and   services    (2 to 6)
             (1)                      (2)              (3)            (4)         (5)         (6)         (7)
                                                      2011-12 series
             2011-12              1762983          2373988        1413116     1530877     1025982    8106946
             2012-13              1786897          2458558        1551143     1680031     1069646    8546275
             2013-14              1872305          2561081        1652062     1867407     1110794    9063649
             2014-15              1894401          2733213        1807689     2073714     1203115    9712133
             2015-16              1934120          2993343        1992825     2294787     1276797    10491870
             2016-17              2075252          3217705        2146379     2492967     1395982    11328285
             2017-18 (2  RE)      2194824          3426904        2309860     2609016     1533809    12074413
             2018-19 (  RE)       2217408          3633517        2488049     2786855     1677298    12803128
             2019-20 (PE)         2303790          3659389        2577945     2915680     1844316    13301120
             2020-21 (  AE)       2325548          3319280        2026128     2891811     1776408    12339175

            Source :  National Statistical Office
            Notes :
            PE : Provisional Estimates,    RE: Revised Estimates   AE: Advance Estimates
   747   748   749   750   751   752   753   754   755   756   757