Page 750 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 750

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  5

                           Table 1.3 A. Real Gross Value Added at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin
                                                                                                     (` crore)
                                                     At constant prices
             Year          Agriculture,  Manufacturing,       Trade,        Financing,  Community  Gross value
                            forestry &    construction,        hotels,  insurance, real   social &   added at
                        fishing, mining  electricity, gas  transport &      estate and   personal  factor cost
                         and quarrying  and water supply  communication  business services  services  (2 to 6)
             (1)                  (2)              (3)            (4)             (5)         (6)        (7)
                                                       2004-05 Series
             1950-51           150191           40138          30792            23325       28474     279618
             1951-52           152987           41996          31608            23863       29329     286147
             1952-53           157764           41834          32641            24863       29934     294267
             1953-54           169547           44416          33861            25219       30860     312177
             1954-55           174611           48325          36065            26140       31967     325431
             1955-56           173255           53962          38700            27190       32955     333766
             1956-57           182651           58809          41537            27635       34219     352766
             1957-58           175180           57737          42831            28679       35765     348500
             1958-59           192337           62009          44965            29492       37233     374948
             1959-60           190851           66378          47779            30619       38834     383153
             1960-61           204340           73555          51879            31252       40741     410279
             1961-62           205014           78638          55259            32596       42656     423011
             1962-63           202234           83517          58503            33693       45686     431960
             1963-64           207030           92432          62650            34735       48684     453829
             1964-65           225287           99250          66890            35688       51894     488247
             1965-66           202906          102475          68079            36766       53950     470402
             1966-67           200481          106304          69862            37412       56438     475190
             1967-68           228813          109856          72852            38431       58659     513860
             1968-69           228836           115422         76155            40305       61272     527270
             1969-70           243347          124372          80275            41980       64655     561630
             1970-71           258665          126356          84205            43735       68218     589787
             1971-72           254395          129506          86121            45989       71264     595741
             1972-73           243082          133917          87991            47767       73594     593843
             1973-74           259751          134649          91686            48936       75541     620872
             1974-75           256719          136045          97176            48779       79120     628079
             1975-76           289695          144928         105980            52142       81914     684634
             1976-77           274522          158354         110697            56277       84190     693191
             1977-78           300873          170123          118084           59032       86450     744972
             1978-79           307874          182590         127772            63203       90186     785965
             1979-80           271096          176035         126751            63818       96779     745083
             1980-81           305906          183970         133906            65041      101666     798506
             1981-82           321876          197519         142057            70326      103842     843426
             1982-83           323862          197833         149903            77029      111849     868092

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