Page 899 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 899

A  154    |    Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2

                 (US$ million)  End   September   2020  (15)  5301.9  3446.7  2678.2  768.5  0.0  1855.2  110.3  610.2  1134.7  5599.7  6996.9  4174.5  818.4  2003.9  207267.8  104667.8  102316.0  284.0  Contd....

                       2020 PR  (13)  4809.4  3312.2  2507.5  804.7  0.0  1497.2  121.2  257.8  1118.2  5429.5  7191.5  4299.0  947.9  1944.6  219989.1  109687.2  110020.6  281.2

                       2019 PR  (12)  5107.7  2522.6  1767.2  755.4  0.0  2585.1  1021.1  332.7  1231.3  5522.8  7942.8  5160.0  999.0  1783.8  206573.7  95349.0  110925.0  299.8

                       2018  (11)  5524.8  1997.8  1170.3  827.4  0.0  3527.0  1312.9  389.4  1824.7  5783.8  9482.6  6715.9  1039.9  1726.7  201825.5  84684.1  116797.9  343.5

                       2017  (10)  6322.5  1844.8  1039.9  804.8  0.0  4477.7  1459.1  487.8  2530.9  5410.1  9608.8  7200.7  939.7  1468.5  172358.2  87754.3  84249.3  354.6

                       2016  (9)  7007.0  1786.0  1359.0  427.0  0.0  5221.0  1646.0  455.0  3120.0  5605.0  10640.0  8378.0  918.0  1344.0  180761.0  97624.0  82775.0  362.0
               8.4(B). India's  External  Debt Outstanding

                       2015  (8)  7605.0  1610.0  1205.0  405.0  0.0  5995.0  1846.0  531.0  3618.0  5488.0  12608.0  10547.0  833.0  1228.0  180295.0  101492.0  78426.0  377.0

                    End-March  2014  (7)  8628.0  1714.0  1290.0  424.0  0.0  6914.0  2223.0  724.0  3967.0  6149.0  15518.0  13323.0  795.0  1400.0  149375.0  96946.0  52149.0  280.0

                       2013  (6)  8899.0  1558.0  1093.0  465.0  0.0  7341.0  2397.0  776.0  4168.0  5964.0  17760.0  15567.0  779.0  1414.0  140125.0  83555.0  56274.0  296.0

                       2012  (5)  8897.0  1501.0  974.0  527.0  0.0  7396.0  2781.0  762.0  3853.0  6163.0  18990.0  16790.0  636.0  1564.0  120136.0  72946.0  46686.0  504.0

                       2011  (4)  7724.0  918.0  363.0  555.0  0.0  6806.0  3087.0  840.0  2879.0  6308.0  18647.0  16437.0  646.0  1564.0  100476.0  58643.0  41100.0  733.0

                       2010  (3)  6733.0  702.0  248.0  454.0  0.0  6031.0  3072.0  761.0  2198.0  6041.0  16841.0  14811.0  651.0  1379.0  70726.0  44832.0  25075.0  819.0

                       2009  (2)  5955.0  641.0  227.0  414.0  0.0  5314.0  2959.0  846.0  1509.0  1018.0  14481.0  12572.0  635.0  1274.0  62461.0  43169.0  17918.0  1374.0

                              B.Non-Government   borrowing       (i)   Concessional              b) Financial                   Institutions                 Institutions  IMF a  Export Credit  a) Buyers' credit  b) Suppliers' credit  c) Export credit   credit  Commercial   Borrowings  a) Commercial bank   loans b  b) Securitized   borrowings c  c) Loans/securitized

                           (1)                   a) Public Sector             c)  Private Sector      (ii)   Non-concessional              a) Public Sector             b) Financial                               c)  Private Sector  component of   bilateral   borrowings etc., with   multilateral/bilateral   guarantee + IFC(W)

                    End-  March                              III.  IV.         V.
   894   895   896   897   898   899   900   901   902   903   904