Page 900 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
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Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  155

                 (US$ million)  End   September   2020  (15)  137292.9  988.6  927.0  61.6  453402.7  102840.3  99370.8  51099.7  48271.1  1699.2  240.7  1529.4  225.8  1303.6  556242.9  50079.3  9.0  Contd....

                       2020 PR  (13)  130580.5  1022.4  958.2  64.3  451341.3  106877.8  101383.8  51602.5  49781.3  1723.1  241.7  3529.2  180.0  3349.1  558219.1  48908.6  8.8

                       2019 PR  (12)  130422.9  1157.8  1084.0  73.8  434696.9  108415.5  102409.4  52475.9  49933.5  1735.3  263.2  4007.6  221.0  3786.6  543112.3  47466.5  8.7

                       2018  (11)  126181.6  1212.6  1130.0  82.6  427117.1  102173.0  100388.7  66297.3  34091.3  89.2  275.4  1419.7  274.0  1145.8  529290.1  48323.8  9.1

                       2017  (10)  116867.2  1227.8  1141.0  86.8  383183.7  88124.5  86488.8  56155.5  30333.3  40.1  243.2  1352.3  242.8  1109.5  471308.2  44077.0  9.4

                       2016  (9)  126929.0  1278.0  1189.0  89.0  401677.0  83375.0  80022.0  51208.0  28814.0  20.0  108.0  3225.0  180.0  3045.0  485052.0  43526.0  9.0
               8.4(B). India's  External  Debt Outstanding

                       2015  (8)  115163.0  1506.0  1407.0  99.0  389177.0  85498.0  81631.0  53405.0  28226.0  1167.0  114.0  2586.0  150.0  2436.0  474675.0  41916.0  8.8

                    End-March  2014  (7)  103845.0  1468.0  1361.0  107.0  354500.0  91678.0  81743.0  54992.0  26751.0  5605.0  95.0  4235.0  148.0  4087.0  446178.0  46454.0  10.4

                       2013  (6)  70822.0  1258.0  1133.0  125.0  312677.0  96697.0  86787.0  59021.0  27766.0  5455.0  82.0  4373.0  181.0  4192.0  409374.0  45518.0  11.1

                       2012  (5)  58608.0  1354.0  1216.0  138.0  282587.0  78179.0  65130.0  39182.0  25948.0  9395.0  64.0  3590.0  170.0  3420.0  360766.0  48063.0  13.3

                       2011  (4)  51682.0  1601.0  1437.0  164.0  252901.0  64990.0  58463.0  35347.0  23116.0  5424.0  50.0  1053.0  155.0  898.0  317891.0  47499.0  14.9

                       2010  (3)  47890.0  1658.0  1487.0  171.0  208606.0  52329.0  47473.0  28003.0  19470.0  3357.0  103.0  1396.0  695.0  701.0  260935.0  43931.0  16.8

                       2009  (2)  41554.0  1523.0  1361.0  162.0  181185.0  43313.0  39915.0  23346.0  16569.0  2065.0  105.0  1228.0  764.0  464.0  224498.0  41899.0  18.7

                              NRI Depositsd (Above   one year Maturity)   Rupee Debte  a) Defence  b) Civilian  Total Long Term Debt   (I TO VII)  Short-Term Debt       1)  Above 6 Months       2)  Upto 6  Months  b) FII Investment in   other instruments   c) Investment in   central banks and other   d) External Debt   Liabilities of:     1) Central Bank     2) Commercial banks  Memo Items :  Concessional Debtf  Concessional Debt to   total external debt (per

                           (1)                       a) Trade-Related Credits   Govt. Treasury Bills and   Treasury Bills by foreign   international institutions   Grand Total     (VIII+IX)

                    End-  March  VI.  VII.    VIII.  IX.                    etc.         X.          cent)
   895   896   897   898   899   900   901   902   903   904   905