Page 541 - economic_survey_2021-2022
P. 541
92 | Economic Survey 2021-22 Statistical Appendix
Table 5.2. Balance of Payments as per IMF Balance of Payments Manual 5
2000-01 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Items ` crore US$ ` crore US$ ` crore US$ ` crore US$
million million million million
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 Imports (c.i.f.) 264589 57912 1746135 383481 2394647 499533 2732146 502237
2 Exports (f.o.b.) 207852 45452 1165665 256159 1482517 309774 1667690 306581
3 Trade Balance (2-1) -56737 -12460 -580470 -127322 -912129 -189759 -1064456 -195656
4 Invisibles
a) Receipts 147778 32267 867228 190488 1053480 219229 1218893 224044
b) Payments 102639 22473 506411 111218 517323 107625 634047 116551
(of which: Interest & Service 21948 4801 27660 6073 41046 8527 59546 10944
Payments on Loans and Credits)
c) Net 45139 9794 360817 79269 536157 111604 584846 107493
5 Current Account Balance -11598 -2666 -219654 -48053 -375973 -78155 -479610 -88163
6 Capital Account
I Foreign Investment 26744 5862 193482 42127 188738 39231 254653 46711
i) Foreign Direct Investment
a) Inward FDI 18404 4031 132358 29029 154961 32952 146954 26953
b) Outward FDI -3480 -759 -78257 -17195 -51794 -10892 -38768 -7134
c) Net 14924 3272 54101 11834 103167 22061 108186 19819
ii) Portfolio Investment (net) 11820 2590 139381 30293 85571 17170 146467 26891
II Loans (net) 24459 5264 132714 29135 89748 19307 169073 31124
i) External Assistance
a) Inflow 13521 2941 35872 7882 27355 5646 25747 4735
b) Out flow 11519 2531 13393 2941 16051 3350 20421 3752
c) Net 2002 410 22479 4941 11305 2296 5326 982
ii) Commercial Borrowings a
a) Inflow 95750 20865 459540 100899 649101 135345 817606 150351
b) Out flow 73293 16011 349304 76705 570658 118333 653858 120209
c) Net 22457 4854 110236 24194 78443 17011 163747 30142
III) Banking
a) Receipts 44448 9744 419273 92323 427827 89904 455407 83727
b) Payments 53592 11705 397253 87361 356829 73678 365140 67157
c) Net -9144 -1961 22020 4962 70998 16226 90268 16570
IV) Rupee Debt Service (net) -2760 -617 -310 -68 -381 -79 -313 -58
V) Other Capital
a) Receipts 12948 2856 45175 9995 64143 13296 97073 17861
b) Payments 11637 2564 101914 22411 94216 20224 125020 22908
c) Net 1311 292 -56739 -12416 -30073 -6929 -27946 -5047
VI) Errors & omissions (net) -1369 -305 -12062 -2636 -11560 -2432 14578 2689
7 Total Capital (I to VI of 6) 39241 8535 279105 61103 307470 65324 500313 91989
8 Overall Balance (5 + 7) 27643 5868 59451 13050 -68503 -12831 20702 3826
9 Monetary Movement
a) IMF Transactions
i) Purchases
ii) Repurchases 115 26
iii) Net -115 -26
b) Increase (-)/decrease (+) in -27258 -5842 -59451 -13050 68503 12831 -20702 -3826
10 Total Reserve movement (9a(iii)+9b) -27643 -5868 -59451 -13050 68503 12831 -20702 -3826
[(-) Increase/ (+) decrease]