Page 544 - economic_survey_2021-2022
P. 544

Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       95

                           Table 5.2.  Balance of Payments as per IMF Balance of Payments Manual 5
                                     2017-18                2018-19            2019-20   2020-21  2021-22
                                                                                                 (Apr-Sep) P
                  Items             ` crore  US$   ` crore  US$   ` crore  US$   ` crore  US$   ` crore  US$
                                          million         million        million        million        million
                                     (18)   (19)     (20)   (21)    (22)   (23)    (24)   (25)  (26)    (27)
                     c) Net         40069   6213    8354    1057  133428  18462  -16518  -2143 187694  25362
                  VI) Errors & omissions   5823  902  -3380  -486   7051    974   -2595   -347  3904    526
             7  Total Capital (I to VI   594942  92292  380023  53917  595634  84154  467611  63374 489123  66127
                of 6)
             8  Overall Balance (5 + 7)  280816  43574  -20204  -3339  423206  59498  649681  87286 466177  63059

             9  Monetary Movement
                 a) IMF Transactions
                    i) Purchases
                   ii) Repurchases
                   iii) Net
                 b) Increase (-)/decrease   -280816  -43574  20204  3339  -423206  -59498 -649681  -87286 -466177  -63059
                (+) in Reserves

             10 Total Reserve movement   -280816  -43574  20204  3339  -423206  -59498 -649681  -87286 -466177  -63059
                (9a(iii)+9b)  [(-)
                Increase/ (+) decrease]
            Source: Reserve Bank of India.  ----: Nil or Negligible,       P:  Preliminary      a:  Commercial borrowings includes short term credit.
            Notes:  1.  Grants received are covered under item 4(a).
                  2.  Estimated interest accrued and credited to NRI deposits during the year has been treated as notional outflow under invisible
                    payments and added as reinvestment in NRI deposits under banking capital.
                  3.  In accordance with the provision of IMF’s Balance of Payments Manual (5th Edition), gold purchased from the Government
                    of India by the RBI has been excluded from the BOP statistics. Data for the earlier years has, therefore, been amended by
                    making suitable adjustments in “Other Capital-Receipts and Foreign Exchange Reserves”. Similarly, item “SDR Allocation”
                    has been deleted from the table.
                  4.  With effect from 1996-97, private transfer receipts include redemption in rupees of both principal and interest under Non-
                    External (Rupee) Account [NRE(R)A] and Non-Resident
                    Non-Repatriable Rupee Deposit [NR(NR)RD] schemes. This marks an improvement in data reporting.
                  5.  Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
   539   540   541   542   543   544   545   546   547   548   549