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Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       179

 Table 8.9 (A): Socio- Economic Profiles and  Inter-State Comparison of Selected Major States of  India

 Socio-economic  Indicators/Items   Andhra   Assam  Bihar  Chhat-  Gujarat  Haryana  Him-  Jammu   Jharkhand  Karna-  Kerala  Madhya   Mahar-  Odisha  Punjab  Rajast-  Tamil   Uttar   Uttara-  West   All
 Pradesh  tisgarh  achal   & Kash-  taka  Pradesh  ashtra          han    Nadu  Pradesh  khand  Bengal  India
 Pradesh  mir
 (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)  (7)  (8)  (9)  (10)  (11)  (12)  (13)  (14)  (15)  (16)  (17)  (18)  (19)  (20)  (21)  (22)
 Demographic indicators*
 Population 2001 ( in ‘000)  76210  26656  82999  20834  50671  21145  6078  10144  26946  52851  31841  60348  96879  36805  24359  56507  62406  166198  8489  80176 1028737
 Population 2011 ( in ‘000)   84581  31206  104099  25545  60439  25351  6865  12541  32988  61095  33406  72627  112374  41974  27743  68548  72147  199812  10086  91276 1210855
 Percentage decadal growth rate of population   14.6  18.9  28.6  18.3  22.7  28.4  17.5  29.4  23.4  17.5  9.4  24.3  22.7  16.3  20.1  28.4  11.7  25.9  20.4  17.8  21.5
 Percentage decadal growth rate of population   11.0  17.1  25.4  22.6  19.3  19.9  12.9  23.6  22.4  15.6  4.9  20.3  16.0  14.0  13.9  21.3  15.6  20.2  18.8  13.8  17.7
 (2001- 2011)
  Sex-ratio 2001 (Females per 1000 males)  978  935  919  989  920  861  968  892  941  965  1058  919  922  972  876  921  987  898  962  934  933
  Sex-ratio 2011 (Females per 1000 males)  993  958  918  991  919  879  972  889  948  973  1084  931  929  979  895  928  996  912  963  950  943
 Sex ratio at birth 2015-17 (Females per 1000   916  915  900  961  855  833  918  917  916  929  948  916  881  938  886  856  907  878  841  939  896
 Sex ratio at birth 2016-18 (Females per 1000   920  925  895  958  866  843  930  927  923  924  957  925  880  933  890  871  908  880  840  841  899
 Indexes Value and Rank**
 School Education Quality Index 2016-17  56.1 (11)  56.1(10)  37.3(19)  54.9(12)  63.0(4)  69.5(3)  62.8(5)  47.1(16)  30.6(20)  52.9(13)  82.2(1)  47.2(15)  62.5(6)  60.2(7)  59.1(9)  59.4(8)  73.4(2)  46.5(17)  48.1(14)  NA
 Health Index 2017-18  65.13(2)  48.85(15)  38.46(20)  53.36(13)  63.52(4) 53.51(12)  62.41(6)  62.37(7)  51.33(14)  61.14(8)  76.55(1) 40.09(18)  63.99(3)  39.43(19) 65.21(5) 43.10(16) 63.38(9) 33.69(21) 45.22(17) 58.25(11)
 Composite Water Management Index 2017-18  74(2)  NR  38(16)  45(13)  75(1)  58(7)  NR  NR  34(17)  59(5)  45(12)  70(3)  56(8)  39(14)  52(9)  47(11)  58(6)  39(15)  NR  NA
 Growth in GSDP and Per capita Income #
 GSDP 2020-21 (%)  -2.6  NA  2.5  -1.8  NA  -5.7  -6.2  NA  -4.7  -2.6  NA  -3.4  NA  -3.6  -6.6  -6.6  1.4  -6.4  NA  1.1
 GSDP 2019-20  (%)  7.2  2.9  7.4  5.1  7.3  8.2  4.9  NA  4.0  5.0  3.4  9.6  5.0  6.7  4.0  5.0  6.1  3.8  4.3  6.1
 Per capita income (PCY) 2020-21  (%)  -3.1  NA  1.3  -4.0  NA  -6.9  -6.3  NA  -6.6  -3.3  NA  -6.1  NA  -3.7  -7.8  -7.8  1.1  -8.1  NA  0.7
 Per capita income (PCY) 2019-20 (%)  6.2  1.2  5.3  3.8  6.1  6.8  4.0  NA  2.0  4.1  2.8  8.4  3.7  6.1  2.9  3.8  5.3  2.2  2.8  5.1
 Poverty Headcount Ratio (HCR) ***
 2011-12 (Rural)  10.9  33.9  34.1  44.6  21.5  11.6  8.5  11.5  40.8  24.5  9.1  35.7  24.2  35.7  7.7  16.1  15.8  30.4  11.6  22.5  25.7
 2011-12 (Urban)  5.8  20.5  31.2  24.8  10.1  10.3  4.3  7.2  24.8  15.3  4.9  21.0  9.1  17.3  9.2  10.7  6.5  26.1  10.5  14.7  13.7
 2011-12 (Total)  9.20  31.9  33.7  39.9  16.6  11.2  8.1  10.4  36.9  20.9  7.1  31.7  17.4  32.6  8.3  14.7  11.3  29.4  11.3  19.9  21.9
 2009-10 (Rural)  22.8  39.9  55.3  56.1  26.7  18.6  9.1  8.1  41.6  26.1  12.0  42.0  29.5  39.2  14.6  26.4  21.2  39.4  14.9  28.8  33.8
 2009-10 (Urban)  17.7  26.1  39.4  23.8  17.9  23.0  12.6  12.8  31.1  19.6  12.1  22.9  18.3  25.9  18.1  19.9  12.8  31.7  25.2  22.0  20.9
 2009-10 (Total)  21.1  37.9  53.5  48.7  23.0  20.1  9.5  9.4  39.1  23.6  12.0  36.7  24.5  37.0  15.9  24.8  17.1  37.7  18.0  26.7  29.8
 Rural Urban Disparity ##
 Rural Average MPCE 2009-10 (in `)  1234  1003  780  784  1110  1510  1536  1344  825  1020  1835  903  1153  818  1649  1179  1160  899  1747  952  1054
 Rural share of food expenditure 2009-10 (%)  58.0  64.4  64.7  58.2  57.7  54.0  51.6  57.8  60.9  56.5  45.9  55.8  54.0  61.9  48.2  54.8  54.7  57.9  45.1  63.4  57.0
 Urban Average MPCE 2009-10 (in `)  2238  1755  1238  1647  1909  23210  2654  1759  1584  2053  2413  1666  2437  1548  2109  1663  1948  1574  1745  1965  1984
 Urban share of food expenditure 2009-10 (%)  44.8  52.9  52.9  43.7  46.2  43.1  41.5  51.3  51.5  42.3  40.2  41.7  41.0  48.4  44.3  48.0  45.0  46.3  48.5  46.2  44.4
 Rural Average MPCE 2011-12 (in `)  1754  1219  1127  1027  1536  2176  2034  1743  1006  1561  2669  1152  1619  1003  2345  1598  1693  1156  1726  1291  1430
 Rural share of food expenditure 2011-12 (%)  51.4  61.3  59.3  52.7  54.9  52.1  47.3  55.3  58.4  51.4  43.0  52.9  52.4  57.2  44.1  50.5  51.5  53.0  49.6  58.2  52.9
 Urban Average MPCE 2011-12 (in `)  2685  2189  1507  1868  2581  3817  3259  2485  2018  3026  3408  2058  3189  1941  2794  2442  2622  2051  2339  2591  2630
 Urban share of food expenditure 2011-12 (%)  42.3  47.7  50.5  42.2  45.2  39.2  42.4  47.8  46.5  40.1  37.0  42.2  41.6  45.4  41.0  44.8  42.7  44.0  46.3  44.2  42.6
 WPR 2019-20 (15 Years & above) @
 Rural (%)  59.1  43.3  40.1  69.7  59.2  41.4  72.4  54.7  57.5  58.2  47.7  61.8  61.5  53.0  48.2  59.2  59.8  46.4  52.4  50.5  53.3
 Urban (%)  47.6  42.3  36.2  47.3  49.0  45.5  57.2  44.2  40.1  45.9  42.7  46.9  47.8  45.4  47.2  43.4  50.4  40.9  41.9  48.1  45.8
 Total (%)  55.5  43.2  39.7  65.4  54.7  42.9  70.5  52.5  53.6  53.1  45.3  57.7  55.7  51.9  47.8  55.0  55.3  45.1  49.5  49.7  50.9
 Unemployment Rate 2019-20
 (15 Years & above) @
 Rural (%)  3.9  7.8  4.7  2.3  1.4  6.3  3.4  5.2  3.1  2.7  9.7  1.7  2.4  6  7.1  3.2  5  3.1  6.5  4.4  3.9

   623   624   625   626   627   628   629   630   631   632   633