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Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       183

 Table 8.9 (B): Socio- Economic Profiles and  Inter-State Comparison of Selected Major States of  India

 Socio-economic  Indicators/  Anda-  Andhra   Assam  Bihar  Dadar   Goa  Gujarat  Him-  Jammu and   Karna-  Kerala  Lak-  Ladakh  Mahar-  Megha-  Mani-  Mizo-  Na-  Sikkim  Telan-  Tripura  West
 Items   man &   Pradesh  and   achal   Kashmir  taka  shad-  ashtra  laya  pur  ram  galand  gana     Bengal
 Nicobar   Nagar   Pradesh   weep
 Islands  Haveli,
 and Diu
 (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)  (7)  (8)  (9)  (10)  (11)  (12)  (13)  (14)  (15)  (16)  (17)  (18)  (19)  (20)  (21)  (22)  (23)
 NFHS-4  2015-16
 Neonatal Mortality Rate (NNMR)*  7.3  23.6  32.8  36.7  13.9  12.9  26.8  25.5  23.1  18.5  4.4  23.3  25.7  16.2  18.3  15.6  11.2  16.5  20.8  20  13.2  22
 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)*   9.8  34.9  47.6  48.1  34.4  12.9  34.2  34.3  32.4  26.9  5.6  27  35.3  23.7  29.9  21.7  40.1  29.5  29.5  27.7  26.7  27.5
 Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR)*  13  40.8  56.5  58.1  39.9  12.9  43.5  37.6  37.6  31.5  7.1  30.2  40.6  28.7  39.6  25.9  46  37.5  32.2  31.7  32.7  31.8
 NFHS-5 2019-2021
 Neonatal Mortality Rate (NNMR)*
 Urban  #  14.4  15.2  29.5  20.3  #  16.8  #  7.5  15.1  2.6  #  #  15.1  14.2  5.7  14.4  8.4  #  13.8  13.9  16.1
 Rural  2.8  22.1  23.4  35.2  22.5  5.6  24.8  21.3  10.5  16.2  4.2  #  12.1  17.6  20.6  22.7  8.4  10.8  7.8  18.8  25.5  15.3
 Total   12.3  19.9  22.5  34.5  21.4  12.9  21.8  20.5  9.8  15.8  3.4  0  11.4  16.5  19.8  17.2  11.4  10.2  5  16.8  22.9  15.5
 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)*
 Urban  #  29.8  22.7  43.1  33.3  #  24.1  #  14.7  21.4  3.5  #  #  22.6  23.4  12.2  20.6  17  #  22  23.2  21
 Rural  8.4  30.4  33.1  47.3  30.4  5.6  35.5  27.1  16.7  27.8  5.2  #  17.4  23.7  33.6  31.1  22  25.8  17.8  29.3  41.8  22.4
 Total  20.6  30.3  31.9  46.8  31.8  12.9  31.2  25.6  16.3  25.4  4.4  0  20  23.2  32.3  25  21.3  23.4  11.2  26.4  37.6  22
 Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR)*
 Urban   #  33.7  33  50  43.8  #  26.7  #  15.7  24.5  3.9  #  #  28.2  23.4  17.1  21.8  22.5  #  24.7  24.4  23
 Rural  9.5  35.8  39.9  57.4  30.4  10.6  44.2  30.9  19.4  32.5  6.4  #  27.4  27.9  42.6  36.2  26.2  36.8  17.8  32.4  49  26.2
 Total  24.5  35.2  39.1  56.4  37  12.9  37.6  28.9  18.5  29.5  5.2  0  29.5  28  40  30  24  33  11.2  29.4  43.3  25.4

 LFPR Urban (2018-19)  4.07  2.77  2.79  2.65  9.26  3.12  3.15  1.85  1.15  2.49  0.33  1.29  0.82  2.06  3.48  6.06  0.27  2.57  1.19  1.01
 LFPR Rural (2018-19)  4.88  1.88  2.19  1.82  17.93  6.34  2.31  1.91  2.65  2.12  2.36  1.57  1.52  3.52  2.57  4.54  7.16  8.41  1.86  2.47  1.56
 LFPR Total (2018-19)  3.23  1.53  1.99  1.67  11.82  3.05  1.91  1.73  1.41  1.72  0.49  1.06  2.95  1.92  2.92  5.44  2.54  1.6  2.03  1.11

 UR Urban (2018-19)  16.11  5.14  11.62  17.5  6.42  29.8  22.64  9.66  3.8  5.78  19.04  13.3  18.98  5.14  3.39  12.48  33.71  13.72  6.96  7.18
 UR Rural (2018-19)  25.45  10.61  12.69  8.93  72.58  27.44  12.67  12.02  15.41  21.18  8.35  23.29  9.77  16.27  17.08  21.25  10.82  22.31  15.73  17.45  13.11
 UR Total (2018-19)  16.97  6.7  10.8  8.24  30.05  22.04  11.82  10.41  10.17  5.11  15.02  8.06  12.63  12.42  9.45  8.36  18.88  10.36  13.12  8.37

 LFPR Urban (2019-20)  2.2  1.43  2.42  1.31  3.9  0.41  2.51  1.43  2.92  1.26  0.82  15.88  8.8  1.07  1.66  2.92  2.96  1.88  0.93  1.9  1.28  1.84
 LFPR Rural (2019-20)  4.7  2.11  1.45  2.2  3.49  9.51  1.76  1.45  1.9  3.32  1.42  0.65  9.73  1.19  2.45  3  2.21  3.35  3.36  1.95  5.05  1.57
 LFPR Total (2019-20)  2.91  1.57  1.31  1.97  2.59  3.53  1.48  1.43  1.63  1.12  1.12  11.5  8.56  0.9  2.06  2.3  1.81  2.48  2.59  1.66  4.03  1.23

 UR Urban (2019-20)  9.09  11.63  7.73  7.12  33.65  14.78  13.1  10.63  7.86  23.48  7.52  26.56  97.17  6.12  4.09  8.71  21.82  1.65  12.05  7.97  0.65  8.4
 UR Rural (2019-20)  18.42  12.98  12.69  10.53  99.42  48.25  20.72  12.53  12.96  15.58  10.86  18  0  13.71  21.39  14.66  39.73  11.37  38.55  14.56  23.36  9.9
 UR Total (2019-20)  11.32  8.91  10.96  8.76  32.83  19.61  11.81  10.63  8.87  17.55  5.24  20  100.81  7.36  8.81  10.4  20.54  8.93  27.52  8.88  17  7.13
 Note: * per 1000 live births      # : As per NFHS 5, percentage not shown
 LFPR is defined as the percentage of population in the labour force. Labour force comprises of persons who were either working (employed)
 or seeking work (unemployed).
 UR is defined as the percentage of unemployed persons in the labour force. Labour force comprises of persons who were either working (employed)
 or seeking work (unemployed).
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