Page 830 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 830
Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2 | A 85
Table 6.2. Balance of Payments as per IMF Balance of Payments Manual 5
2000-01 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Items ` crore US$ ` crore US$ ` crore US$ ` crore US$
million million million million
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1 Imports (c.i.f.) 264589 57912 2820072 461484 2592820 396444 2633395 392580
2 Exports (f.o.b.) 207852 45452 1934210 316545 1743289 266365 1878943 280138
3 Trade Balance (2-1) -56737 -12460 -885862 -144940 -849531 -130079 -754452 -112442
4 Invisibles
a) Receipts 147778 32267 1478048 241645 1538693 235044 1623552 242051
b) Payments 102639 22473 755499 123564 832924 127116 966016 144025
(of which: Interest & Service 21948 4801 77376 12650 88044 13443 89552 13351
Payments on Loans and Credits)
c) Net 45139 9794 722549 118081 705769 107928 657536 98026
5 Current Account Balance -11598 -2666 -163313 -26859 -143762 -22151 -96916 -14417
6 Capital Account
I Foreign Investment 26744 5862 449072 73456 208579 31891 289394 43224
i) Foreign Direct Investment
a) Inward FDI 18404 4031 215893 35283 294258 44907 283292 42215
b) Outward FDI -3480 -759 -24675 -4031 -58476 -8886 -44379 -6603
c) Net 14924 3272 191219 31251 235782 36021 238913 35612
ii) Portfolio Investment (net) 11820 2590 257853 42205 -27203 -4130 50482 7612
II Loans (net) 24459 5264 19733 3184 -29767 -4634 16038 2379
i) External Assistance
a) Inflow 13521 2941 35408 5780 40244 6123 43561 6495
b) Out flow 11519 2531 24787 4054 30229 4619 30056 4482
c) Net 2002 410 10622 1725 10015 1505 13505 2013
ii) Commercial Borrowings a
a) Inflow 95750 20865 718760 117575 748159 114200 764967 114037
b) Out flow 73293 16011 709649 116116 787941 120339 762434 113672
c) Net 22457 4854 9112 1459 -39781 -6139 2533 366
III) Banking
a) Receipts 44448 9744 550976 90094 579805 88884 561610 83669
b) Payments 53592 11705 478893 78476 514547 78254 672787 100285
c) Net -9144 -1961 72083 11618 65257 10630 -111177 -16616
IV) Rupee Debt Service (net) -2760 -617 -489 -81 -476 -73 -665 -99
V) Other Capital
a) Receipts 12948 2856 176562 28914 160653 24419 240945 35925
b) Payments 11637 2564 169411 27806 137909 21103 190199 28366
c) Net 1311 292 7151 1109 22744 3315 50747 7559
VI) Errors & omissions (net) -1369 -305 -6312 -1021 -6746 -1073 -3187 -480
7 Total Capital (I to VI of 6) 39241 8535 541238 88265 259592 40055 241150 35967
8 Overall Balance (5 + 7) 27643 5868 377925 61406 115830 17905 144234 21550
9 Monetary Movement
a) IMF Transactions
i) Purchases
ii) Repurchases 115 26
iii) Net -115 -26
b) Increase (-)/decrease (+) in -27258 -5842 -377925 -61406 -115830 -17905 -144234 -21550
10 Total Reserve movement (9a(iii)+9b) -27643 -5868 -377925 -61406 -115830 -17905 -144234 -21550
[(-) Increase/ (+) decrease]