Page 831 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 831
A 86 | Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
Table 6.2. Balance of Payments as per IMF Balance of Payments Manual 5
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 (Apr-Sep) P
Items ` crore US$ ` crore US$ ` crore US$ ` crore US$
million million million million
(1) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
1 Imports (c.i.f.) 3023163 469006 3619072 517519 3385822 477937 1151148 153495
2 Exports (f.o.b.) 1991436 308970 2358211 337237 2270919 320431 959478 127943
3 Trade Balance (2-1) -1031727 -160036 -1260861 -180283 -1114902 -157506 -191670 -25552
4 Invisibles
a) Receipts 1826720 283406 2144996 306483 2281179 321712 1092560 145478
b) Payments 1109119 172087 1284363 183457 1338706 188862 639785 85208
(of which: Interest & Service Payments on 93531 14510 120924 17286 132007 18629 57203 7613
Loans and Credits)
c) Net 717601 111319 860633 123026 942474 132850 452776 60270
5 Current Account Balance -314126 -48717 -400227 -57256 -172429 -24656 261106 34718
6 Capital Account
I Foreign Investment 337684 52401 212179 30094 312215 44417 233700 31422
i) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
a) Inward FDI 253977 39431 301932 43302 396955 56006 217460 29192
b) Outward FDI -58925 -9144 -87896 -12590 -92135 -12993 -40679 -5410
c) Net 195052 30286 214036 30712 304820 43013 176781 23783
ii) Portfolio Investment (net) 142632 22115 -1857 -618 7395 1403 56919 7639
II) Loans (net) 107422 16660 113441 15850 182248 25686 -12378 -1715
i) External Assistance
a) Inflow 49750 7718 60429 8606 66039 9330 67319 8935
b) Out flow 30773 4774 36287 5192 39536 5579 22376 2975
c) Net 18977 2944 24143 3413 26503 3751 44943 5960
ii) Commercial Borrowings a
a) Inflow 898500 139393 598713 85494 602921 84908 224688 29948
b) Out flow 810055 125676 509415 73057 447176 62973 282009 37623
c) Net 88445 13717 89299 12437 155745 21935 -57321 -7675
III) Banking
a) Receipts 616727 95673 646662 92798 601082 84716 274432 36540
b) Payments 512300 79483 597020 85365 639907 90031 340639 45486
c) Net 104427 16190 49642 7433 -38825 -5315 -66207 -8946
IV) Rupee Debt Service -482 -75 -213 -31 -483 -69 -434 -57
V) Other Capital
a) Receipts 266106 41282 237182 33809 446158 62549 249802 33244
b) Payments 226037 35069 228828 32751 312730 44087 281797 37475
c) Net 40069 6213 8354 1057 133428 18462 -31995 -4231
VI) Errors & Omissions 5823 902 -3380 -486 7051 974 1604 224
7 Total Capital (I to VI of 6) 594942 92292 380023 53917 595634 84154 124289 16697
8 Overall Balance (5 + 7) 280816 43574 -20204 -3339 423206 59498 385396 51415
9 Monetary Movement
a) IMF Transactions
i) Purchases
ii) Repurchases
iii) Net
b) Increase (-)/decrease (+) in Reserves -280816 -43574 20204 3339 -423206 -59498 -385396 -51415
10 Total Reserve movement (9a(iii)+9b) [(-) -280816 -43574 20204 3339 -423206 -59498 -385396 -51415
Increase/ (+) decrease]
Source: Reserve Bank of India. ----: Nil or Negligible, P: Preliminary a: Commercial borrowings includes short term credit.
Notes: 1. Grants received are covered under item 4(a).
2. Estimated interest accrued and credited to NRI deposits during the year has been treated as notional outflow under invisible payments and added as reinvestment in NRI deposits under
banking capital.
3. In accordance with the provision of IMF’s Balance of Payments Manual (5th Edition), gold purchased from the Government of India by the RBI has been excluded from the BOP statistics.
Data for the earlier years has, therefore, been amended by making suitable adjustments in “Other Capital-Receipts and Foreign Exchange Reserves”. Similarly, item “SDR Allocation” has
been deleted from the table.
4. With effect from 1996-97, private transfer receipts include redemption in rupees of both principal and interest under Non-Resident External (Rupee) Account [NRE(R)A] and Non-Resident
Non-Repatriable Rupee Deposit [NR(NR)RD] schemes. This marks an improvement in data reporting.
5. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.