Page 832 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 832

Economic Survey 2020-21     Volume 2    |          A  87

                  (` crore)  Net  (13)  261462  121369  -191670  313038  962  -1990  9782  -12229  457  1807  -1167  -19493  327674  -7374  -975  -1721  17303  -125989  266083  -6570  -6646  76  -256496  176781  Contd....
                    2020-21 April-Sep (P)  Debit  (12)  (11)  1790558  1564452  1151148  413305  131  1093  2494  504  67389  77171  41277  29048  8929  9386  6866  8673  16289  15121  24849  5356  41687  179441  8710  7736  3918  2197  11325  28628  202042  76053  24063  8073  1503  6742  96  1331  1407  2360286  141104

                             -171676  -512521  -1114902  602381  -23373  -47975  609006  -193114  533959  172257  304820
                       Net  Credit  (10)  2052020  1685821  959478  726343  1171  -6993  56943  2527  4903  12716  369361  172068  -8287  -6562  -3164  11470  290146  -7632  -7110  -522  2103790  317885

                    2019-20  Debit  (9)  4723740  4295100  3385822  909278  483  8368  172134  155741  19456  12335  20803  54575  72457  332437  22215  7841  30432  371642  56998  10664  7449  3215  4155693  246827

               Table 6.3 A. Balance of Payments as per Balance of Payments Manual 6
                       Credit  (8)  4552063  3782579  2270919  1511659  1654  1375  148761  212684  21982  17238  33519  6600  681463  324150  15653  4677  41902  178528  590956  3032  339  2693  4327950  551647

                             -399698  -687078  -1260861  573783  -7115.39  47658  -51309  552329  34356  -202324  489704  404248  214036
                       Net  (7)          1548    -7589  5980  6091  9591  -9170  -5050  -3535  -1170  -503  -667

                    2018-19  Debit  (6)  4902839  4501566  3619072  882494  293  8440.6  143689  151485  17658  12543  24428  56132  51761  282815  17993  7795  107462  355093  46180  3540  1098  2442  3506329  239063

                       Credit  (5)  4503141  3814488  2358211  1456277  1841  1325.207  136100  199142  23638  18634  34019  4823  604090  273644  12943  4260  141818  152769  535884  2370  595  1775  3910577  453100

                             -313765  -531759  -1031727  499968  -39618  472717    -184813  402807  308128  195052
                       Net  (4)          668  -2165  -1071  56990  4460  5197  -2420  4626  -4432  -839  5856  -186  273  -458

                    2017-18  Debit  (3)  4131780  3780666  3023163  757503  282  3528  113488  125778  10081  10957  35691  44339  41887  236096  14862  5119  115396  306391  44723  2700  674  2027  3838230  220369

                       Credit  (2)  3818016  3248907  1991436  1257472  949  1363  112418  182768  14541  16154  33271  4720  514603  240722  10430  4280  121252  121579  447530  2515  946  1568  4146357  415421

                             Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C)  Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b)  Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13)  Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.  Insurance and pension services  Other business services Personal, cultural, and recreational services Government goods and services n.i.e.  Secondary Income   Capital Account (2.1+2.2)  produced nonfinancial assets   Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5)  Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B)
                          (1)            Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by   Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. Telecommunications, computer, and information   Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-

                       Items       Goods   others  Transport  Travel  Construction  Financial services  services    Others n.i.e.  Primary Income   Capital transfers

                                1.A      1.A.b.1   1.A.b.2   1.A.b.3   1.A.b.4   1.A.b.5   1.A.b.6   1.A.b.7   1.A.b.8   1.A.b.9   1.A.b.10   1.A.b.11   1.B   1.C
                             1     1.A.a   1.A.b                             1.A.b.12   1.A.b.13   2  2.1  2.2  3  3.1
   827   828   829   830   831   832   833   834   835   836   837